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网络消费心理与消费行为的关系研究 摘要 互联网时代的到来,使消费者获得信息更加方便快捷,电子商务的出现,加速了网络消费的进程,这迫使企业不得不研究网络营销,探究网络消费者的心理,分析网络消费者的行为,从而获得来自虚拟市场的利益。网络消费者是新的消费群体,与传统市场消费群体有着截然不同的特性。企业要想卓有成效地开展网络营销活动,就必须了解和把握网络消费者的特征,分析网络消费者的消费心理动机,尽可能地为营销活动提供可靠的数据分析和营销依据。本文就是对网络环境下的消费心理与行为进行研究。首先,本文从消费者的角度入手,通过对心理特征、行为特征、购物需求、购物动机、价格认知和风险感知的分析,加深对消费者的认知;其次,从营销者的角度,分析消费者的心理与行为对网络营销的影响,以及营销者在网络营销过程中存在的心理优劣势,并就营销者针对消费者的心理与行为采取的营销策略进行了研究;再次,对于网络营销过程中越来越突出的个性化推荐问题进行了研究,并就如何利用消费者的心理与行为来提高个性化推荐的效果提出了解决思路;最后,基于本文对网络消费心理与行为、网络营销和个性化推荐的研究,提出了个人的创新观点。Summary Advent of Internet age, so that consumers more convenient access to information, e-commerce in the Chuxian, accelerated the process of network consumption, which force enterprises to Bude Bu Yan Jiu network marketing, Tanjiu network consumers of psychological analysis of Internet consumer behavior, Conger obtained from the virtual market interests. Network of consumers is the new consumer groups, consumer groups and traditional market has different characteristics. To carry out effective business network marketing, the need to understand and grasp the network of consumers Tezheng, analyze network of consumer motivation of consumer psychology as much as possible for the marketing activities to provide reliable data 分析 and marketing Yi Ju. This article is under network environment, consumer psychology and behavior. First, we start from a consumers point of view, through the psychological characteristics, behavioral characteristics, shopping needs, shopping motivations, price perception, and perception of risk, enhance consumer awareness; Secondly, from the marketers point of view, analysis consumer psychology and behavior of the impact of network marketing, and marketing in the online marketing process psychological advantages and disadvantages of the existing and the marketers of consumer psychology and behavior to the study of marketing strategies; again, the network marketing process more and more prominent personalized recommendations conducted a study on how to use c


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