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摘 要 随着社会的不断进步和生存竞争压力的不断增大,随着国家和社会对于人才素质要求的不断提高,人们对于希望通过接受各种形式的教育,希望通过接受各级各类的培训来达到提高自身素质目的的愿望在不断增强中,因此,近几年社会上出现了“培训热”,培训行业正在成为一个新兴行业和热门行业。该论文在分析中国英语和计算机培训市场需求和竞争格局的基础上,着重分析了培训企业营销策略的影响因素,提出了培训企业营销策略组合模型。通过对华方培训市场营销策略的重点考察,和具体营销实例的分析,从服务市场营销组合的角度,研究了华方培训关于英语和计算机培训的具体营销策略的运用。从4PS角度对华方培训在英语和计算机培训市场上的营销策略进行了研究。最后,提出面向新的竞争格局的华方培训英语和计算机培训培训市场竞争战略,并从间接、直接影响因素,提出了华方培训的英语和计算机培训市场营销策略改进的对策和合理化建议。 关键词:营销策略;服务营销;创新营销 Abstract With the social developing and the living pressure of people adding, with the demands for the high-qualified personnel in the society rising, more and more people want to accept all kinds of education and all types of training in order to improve their qualities. The desire is becoming stronger and stronger. As a result the training hot is arising in the society during the several years. The training industry is becoming a rising and popular industry. Based on the analyzing the market demand and competition pattern of Chinas English and Computer training market, the paper studies the influences on the English and Computer training markets enterprise marketing strategies and puts forward English and Computer training markets marketing strategy portfolio. Focusing on the inspection and case study of Huafang English and computer training market and from marketing services portfolio perspective, the paper researches on the using of specific marketing strategies to English and Computer training in Huafang company and the theory of 4PS applying. Finally, the paper puts forwards new marketing strategies. Keywords: marketing strategy; service marketing; innovation marketing 目录 引言 1 1 理论综述 2 1.1 服务营销的涵义 2 1.2 服务营销的特征 2 1.3 从战略上提高核心竞争力 2 1.4 培训市场的特征 3 1.5 影响服务产品的营销环境 4 2 我国培训市场需求及竞争格局分析 6 2.1 我国培训市场现状分析 6 2.2 培训热门需求 7 2.3 培训市场竞争格局及发展趋势 7 3 华方培训沈北分校市场营销策略研究 9 3.1 华方培训沈北分校概况 9 3.2 华方培训市场营销策略研究 9 4 华方培训市场营销策略优化建议 12 4.1 华方培训市场SWOT分析 12 4.1.1 发展机会 12 4.1.2 威胁 13 4.1.3 华方培训的优势 15 4.1.4 华方培训的劣势 16 4.2 华方培训市场营销策略优化建议 17 4.2.1 培养创新的营销文化 17 4.2.2 建立科学的营


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