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Overview of AWasks you to discuss the issue from any perspective(s) you wish, so long as you provide relevant reasons and examples to explain and support your views.Issue的性质就是让我们从任何的观点出发都可以,只要能支持观点。看来官方并不关注我们如何切入问题,关键关心的是我们如何自圆其说。it requires you to critique a given argument by discussing how well reasoned you find it. You will need to consider the logical soundness of the argument rather than to agree or disagree with the position it presents.我们写的文章并不是一味的批评,而是全面的评估。就是说,原文中论证的较好的部分也要给与肯定。The two tasks are complementary in that one requires you to construct your own argument by taking a position and providing evidence supporting your views on the issue, whereas the other requires you to critique someone else's argument by assessing its claims and evaluating the evidence it provides.官方看来,i和a这两部分是非常紧密联系的,这和我们通常的认识不太一样。实际上,它们两者是完全的一个整体。首先写出我们自己的argue,然后再看别人的argue的漏洞。能够看到这一点是很重要的,它告诉我们,其实argument就是ETS模仿小弱人写的超短的issue,让我们给评分写个报告而已。大家总是抱怨ETS给的范文太少,通过这段话我们可以理会到,其实这两百多个argue不正是ETS原汁原味的issue范文吗,尽管错误多多,但是其论证结构,语言方面还是有很多可取的地方。另一方面,可以看出,在ETS看来,无论是argue还是issue,核心都是position和evidence,显然这是需要在我们的文中占据很大篇幅的。ETS 在我们身上寻找的是独立分析能力Issue官方要求your ability to think critically about a topictest takers can discuss from various perspectives and apply to many different situations or conditions.Your task is to present a compelling case for your own position on the issue. 为自己的论点提供强有力的证明 Be sure to read the claim carefully and think about it from several points of view, considering the complexity of ideas associated with those perspectives. 多角度批判性思维consider all sides of an issue, evaluate evidence and imagine different scenarios and possible outcomes 考虑一个问题的各个方面(多角度),评价论据,设想各种情景,以及可能的结果The Issue task is an exercise in critical thinking and persuasive writing. The purpose of this task is to determine how well you can develop a compelling(有说服力的) argument supporting your own perspective on an issue and to effectively communicate that argument in writing to an academic audience. The GRE readers scoring



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