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江西农大南昌商学院课程论文 龙头企业的跨国经营与发展 ——以海尔为例 姓名: 邹 华 平 学院:南昌商学院 班级: 经济081 学号:时间: 2011-6 摘要 企业进行海外投资和跨国经营,是当代生产社会发展的必然趋势。20世纪90年代,人类进入全球市场经济的时代。因此今后的几十年,将是企业跨国经营的兴盛时代。一切高水平、高技术、大规模的贸易、服务和投资活动都将以跨国公司为主体货载体进行,国际间的竞争也将以跨国公司的竞争为主要形式展开。面对这种新的发展和竞争格局,如何尽快建立和发展一批有中国特色的跨国公司,已成为中国经济发展急需解决的一个重要战略任务。中国改革开放以来,已有一批企业勇敢地投身海外市场。因此积极地研究中国企业尤其是大型龙头企业的国际化经营和产业国际竞争力就显得异常迫切。只有理论和实践并行,才能加快跨国公司的建设,才能加强产业竞争力,我国企业的国际化经营和竞争之路才能走得更加坚实。 【关键词】国际化 跨国经营 竞争 Abstract Foreign investment and multinational enterprises operating in contemporary production of the inevitable trend of social development. 90 20th century, humanity has entered the era of the global market economy. So the next few years will be the era of the rise of multinational enterprises. All high-level, high-tech, large-scale trade, services and investment activities will be the multinational corporations as the main cargo carriers, international competition, multinational corporations will also be launched as the main form of competition. Faced with this new development and the competitive landscape, how to establish and develop a number of multinational companies with Chinese characteristics, Chinas economic development has become an urgent need to address the important strategic task. Chinas reform and opening up, some business have the courage to join the overseas markets. Therefore, the study of Chinese enterprises actively leading enterprises, especially large-scale international business and industry to international competition was extremely urgent. Only the theory and practice of parallel, to speed up the construction of transnational corporations in order to strengthen industrial competitiveness, international management of enterprise and competition more solid way to go. 【Key words】 International Transnational Management Competition 龙头企业的跨国经营与发展 ——以海尔为例 1.中国企业跨国经营的必要性 对外开放是我国的一项基本国策,进行海外投资和跨国经营是当代生产社会化发展和对外开放的必然趋势.进入90年代以来,世界政治经济格局发生了一些重大变化.给我国企业跨国经营提供了良好的机遇,也带来了一系列的挑战能否抓住机遇.选择合适的战略.迎接挑战,积极参与跨国经营.无疑成为令后我国能否跨入世界



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