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2007, 26( ) : 379- 385 J ournal of A g ro- E nv ironm ent S cience 1, 2 1 1 3 李卫平 , 李畅游 , 王 丽 , 周龙伟 ( 1. , 0 100 18; 2. , 014010; 3. , 0 15000) : O ECD D illon TNTP , 3, OECD TNTP D illon TNTP , 3 2005TNT P : ; ; ; : X 26! ! ! : A! ! ! : 1672- 2043( 2007)- 0379- 07 Analog Calculation ofNitrogen and Phosphorus Capacities inWuliangsuhaiW aterEnvironmentUn derDifferentMathematicModels 1, 2 1 1 3 L W e i- p ing , L Chang- you , WANG L i, ZHOU Long- we i ( 1. Schoo l ofW ate r Conservancy C iv il Eng inee ring, nner M ongo lia A gr icultural U n iversity, H ohho t, 010018, Ch ina; 2. Schoo l of Env ironm ent Energy R esources, nner M ongo lia U n iv ers ity of Sc ience T echno logy, Bao tou, 014010, Ch ina; 3. M anagement Bureau ofM ain Channe l of nnerM ongo lia H etao rr igation D istrict, L inhe C ity 0 15000, China) Abstract: Th is paper respec tive ly s mi u lated the TN and TP w ater env ironm ent capac ities ofW u liangsuha iw ith thew ater quality criter ia a t , and , based on the OECD, D illon and H etian jian m odels. By com pa ring the resu lts of these three models, show ed that the TN, TP wa ter env ironm ent capacities resulted from the OECD and H etianj ian m ode ls w ere larg er than those from the D illon m ode l. T he TN and TP wa ter env ironm ent capacities of the y ea r 2005 were fixed by av erag ing the resu lts con cluded from the three models. K ey ords: model; w ater env ironm ent capac ities; n itrogen and phosphorus; W uliang suhai lake ! ! , , , , ! ! , , ! ! , , , ,



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