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中文摘要 中文摘要 中国现代诗学在20 世纪40 年代涌现出一股新诗现代化潮流,以“新诗现代 化”为旨归。中国现代诗歌理论批评自诞生之日起,就面临着来自于中国古典诗 歌文化和传统诗学以及西方诗歌文化和诗学的双重的影响与挑战。许多现代诗人 和诗歌理论批评家在面对这两方面的影响和挑战之时,都努力的探索着一条中国 诗歌批评的新路。而唐湜正是其中的一个,他在这条路上的探索与跋涉,对中国 现代诗歌批评的发展意义深远。 本文在现有学术成果的基础上,试图把唐湜的诗评研究放在特定的历史文化 背景中,分析唐湜的诗歌批评的思维特征、具体的以“人”为主题的批评实践、 以及探讨唐湜诗评的影响与不足等方面,揭示唐湜诗学批评与当时中心话语不同 的特质;揭示唐湜诗评在中国现代诗学批评中的独特价值和意义。 综述部分简单介绍有关唐湜诗学的研究历史和现状。第一章着重论述在四十 年代末期特殊的历史文化背景中,唐湜诗歌批评思维多元化“合流”的特征,从 中揭示唐湜异于当时主流批评的诗学批评。第二章主要关注唐湜以“人”为主题 的诗歌评论理论,具体分析和论述唐湜诗学与古今中外诗学之间的关系。第三章 重点从唐湜建构其诗论的实践出发,探讨其对中国现代诗学批评理论建构所做的 贡献、价值和不足。 关键词:唐湜、自由化、格律化、现代化、民族性、“人” -I- Abstract Abstract In 1940s,Chinese modern poetics emerged a new trend of modernization——Modern poetry .Chinese modern poetry theory had been facing the dual impact and challenge of the Chinese classical poetry culture and traditional poetics ,and Western poetry and Poetics .When many modern poets and poetry critics faced of the influence of the two aspects and challenges, they was trying to explore a new way of Chinese poetic criticism.Tang Shi is one of them, and his exploration in this way have been produced the profound significance to the development of Chinese modern poetry criticism. Based on the existing academic achievements,this article try to put the Tang shi poem study in the specific historical and cultural background. It is the analysis of the characteristics of mind, Tang shi’s poetry criticism which aimed people as the theme, and the influence and deficiency of Tang shi’s poetry criticism etc that reveal that Tang shi’s Poetics Criticism have different qualities from other centered theory ,and reveal that Tang shi’s Poetics Criticism have unique value and significance in t



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