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文章是“基于城市群视角来谈有色金属产业发展”,但重点章节即第四章和第五章看不出来是基于城市群视角来写的,好像是脱节的,需要重点修改。 基于城市群构建视角的赣州有色金属产业发展研究 摘要:随着全球经济一体化的形成与发展,为了更好的发展自身的有色金属产业,赣州选择了产业链这个发展战略,由于自身的特点和所处的环境,赣州的有色金属产业面临着严峻的考验,如何推动赣州有色金属产业的发展,从而推进有色金属产业升级,这个问题已经是赣州经济发展方面一个重要的方面。本文基于城市群理论的探索,介绍了赣州有色金属产业的现状,运用相关的统计指标和数据分析深入的研究了赣州有色金属产业链现状、发展趋势和存在的问题,在此基础上探索了赣州有色金属产业发展的模式,并且针对赣州有色金属产业发展中存在的问题提出了一些促进赣州有色金属产业可持续发展的政策建议,以期为推进赣州有色金属产业发展出贡献,也为其他地区或行业的产业的发展提供参考与借鉴。 关键词:城市群;有色金属产业;赣州 Based on city group construction from the perspective of Ganzhou Nonferrous Metals Industry Development Research Abstract: with the formation of global economic integration and development, in order to better the development of the non ferrous metal industry, Ganzhou chose the development strategy of the industry chain, because of their own characteristics and the environment, Ganzhou some metals industry is facing an acid test, how to promote the development of Ganzhou Nonferrous Metals Industry, thus promoting the nonferrous metal industrial upgrading, this problem is already in Ganzhous economic development an important aspect. In this paper, based on city group theory, introduces the current situation of industry of Ganzhou nonferrous metal, using relevant statistical indicators and data analysis, in-depth study of the current situation of catenary of industry of Ganzhou nonferrous metal, the development trend and the existing problems, based on the exploration of Ganzhou nonferrous metal industry development mode, and according to the development of nonferrous metals industry in Ganzhou the problems of some promotion of Ganzhou nonferrous metals industry sustainable development policy recommendations, in order to promote the development of nonferrous metals industry in Ganzhou to make contribution, also for other regions or sectors of the industry to provide reference and draw lessons from. Key words: city group; non-ferrous metal industry; Ganzhou 1 绪论 1.1 研究背景 随着经济全球化在各个国家的快速推进,科技的进步和技术的更新对于经济的发展起着越来越重要的作用,我国自改革开放几十年以来,在经济政治和文化等方面都取得了巨大的成就,从根


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