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我国商业银行互联网金融业务发展研究 内容摘要 互联网金融是指以依托于支付、云计算、社交网络以及搜索引擎等互联网工具,实现资金融通、支付和信息中介等业务的一种新兴金融形式。互联网金融打破了传统金融服务在时间、空间上的限制,使传统金融服务通过互联网技术相互融合的同时,打破了传统金融业对金融服务的垄断局面。近些年互联网金融在我国的快速发展,特别是以百度、阿里巴巴、腾讯为代表的非传统金融行业的参与,给我国商业银行带来了前所未有的竞争。因此我国商业银行如何在越来越激烈的竞争形势下,根据行业及自身的特点进行互联网金融领域的建设和发展变得尤为重要。 本文共分六部分。第一部分阐述了本文研究背景目的和意义、国内外研究现状、研究的主要内容及创新点和研究方法,确定研究目标。第二部分对我国目前主要的互联网金融业务进行简单介绍,并分析互联网金融未来的发展趋势及对现有银行传统业务产生的影响。第三部分分析我国商业银行互联网金融业务发展的背景与现状。第四部分探讨了我国商业银行互联网金融业务发展存在面临的问题。第五部分对国外商业银行一些互联网金融的成功案例进行分析。第六部分针对上述存在的问题同时借鉴成功的互联网金融业务案例,提出我国商业银行互联网金融业务的发展对策。 关键词: 商业银行 互联网金融 直销银行 流程再造 Abstract The Internet finance refers to relying on the payment, cloud computing, social networks and search engines and other Internet tools, a new financial implementation form of financing, payment and information intermediary service. The Internet has broken the traditional financial services financial limitation in time, space, so that the traditional financial services integration with each other through the Internet technology, breaking the traditional financial industry monopoly on financial services. In recent years the Internet Finance in Chinas rapid development, especially the non traditional financial industry to Baidu, Alibaba, Tencent as the representative of the participation, has brought the unprecedented competition for commercial banks in china. So how Chinas commercial banks in the increasingly fierce competition situation, construction and development of the field of Internet finance has become particularly important according to the characteristics of industry and their own. This paper is divided into six parts. The first part describes the main content of this paper research background and significance, research status at home and abroad, research and innovation and research methods, research objective. The second part makes a brief introduction to the main Internet financial business, and analyzes the future development trend of the Internet Finance and the influence to the existing traditional


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