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(寒假总动员)2015年高二英语寒假作业 专题18 高频词汇、短语、句型及经典范文(十八)(背) refer refer to 谈及,提到;与……相关,涉及;查阅;参考 refer ... to ...   把……提交给……;向……请教 refer to ... as ... 把……称作…… These books refer to Asian problems.这些书涉及亚洲问题。 The old soldier referred to his experiences during the Long March. If you want to know his telephone number, you may refer to the telephone directory. commitment n. [C,U]承诺,保证; [C]已承诺的事,不得不做的事 n. [U]投入,奉献(常与介词to连用) make a commitment (to ...) (对……)作出承诺 carry out ones commitment 履行承诺 commit vt.承诺;犯(错误、罪) vi. 忠于,全心全意投入 commit oneself /sb. to (doing) sth.承诺做某事 commit to sb./sth.全身心投入…… Come and look round our shop without commitment to buy something. She doesnt want to make a big emotional commitment to Steve. A career as an actor requires one hundred percent commitment. If you commit a crime you can never escape being punished. offence n. 冒犯;侮辱;违法行为;犯罪 cause/give offence  得罪;使伤感情 mean no offence 并无冒犯之意;不要见怪 no offence 请别见怪 offend v. 冒犯;使生气;令……反感 offend against 有悖于…… Drunk driving is a serious offence. Dont be upset by what he said; he means_no_offence. The problem was how to get rid of her without causing offence. 必备短语 bring(v.) bring about 引起,造成,实现 bring down 使倒下,降低价格 bring in 赚得, bring on 引起,使成长更快,使提高 bring out讲解清楚 brought up抚养,呕吐 bring sb. into touch with sb.(和各种名词连用)进入某种状态 bring forward 提出,把……提前,提早 He brought about a quarrel between his parents. She made every effort to bring about a peaceful solution to the problem. Electricity lines as well as telephone poles were brought down by falling trees or branches. The sale brought in over$200. Dirt often brings on disease. The fine weather is bringing the crops on nicely. Can you make a sentence to bring out the meaning of the phrase. Joe was born in Texas but brought up in Oklahoma. He was so ill that he brought up everything. This brought me into touch with various kinds of workers. Please bring forward the matter at the next meeting. They have brought the meeting forward to next Monda



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