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毕业设计 题 目 社区医用便携式诊疗设备开发设计 学 院 机械工程学院 专 业 工业设计 班 级 工设0701 学 生 梁婧丽 学 号 20070406008 指导教师 吕冰 周意华 二〇一一年六月四日 摘 要 随着人口出生率的降低,和老年人寿命的延长,我国平均年龄一再提高,我国进入了老龄化成为不可逆转的趋势。另外我国人口本来就多,这就加快了老龄化发展速度。老年人是心脏病,心脑血管疾病,呼吸道疾病等老年性疾病的多发人群。老龄化的到来必然会对医疗器械市场的结构有所影响,也起到导向作用。[1]老年性疾病多属于急诊性疾病,这就加大了对社区急救设备方面的需求。我国社区医疗的建设水平还很落后,远远不能满足人们的需求。社区医用便携式诊疗设备的开发,主要针对老年性常发病,进行院前急救。不仅保障了急救的成功进行,也填补社区医疗的空白。 关键词:老龄化;心血管疾病;急救;便携;诊疗。 ABSTRACT With a lower birth rate, life expectancy and the elderly, the average age of our country has repeatedly increased. China has entered an irreversible trend of aging. In addition to , Chinas population would have more, which accelerated the pace of aging. The elderly are heart disease, cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases, respiratory diseases and other age-related diseases, multiple people. The arrival of the aging of the medical device market will inevitably have an impact on the structure, also play a guiding role. [1]Old diseases are mostly emergency disease, which increased first-aid equipment to community needs. Level of the building of community health care lags far can not meet peoples needs. Portable medical diagnostic equipment community development, mainly for the onset of age-often, the pre-hospital care. Not only guarantees the success of first-aid, but also to fill gaps in community health. Key words:Aging; cardiovascular disease; first aid; portable; Diagnosis and treatment. 目 录 摘要………………………………………………..…………………….….…………….. .I ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………..…………….II 1 前言……………………….…………………………………………….….……………..1 1.1选题背景及其意义.............………………..........………….………….………..1 1.2 国内外社区基层医疗设施现状及趋势…….......…………….………….………..1 2 市场调研分析及预期...................……..….………………………….…..….………….3 2.1 我国老龄化现状…………………………………………………………………..3 2.1.1老年人口比重大……………………………….…………………………...3 2.1.2老年龄化发展迅速………………………………………………………...3 2.1.3老年人身体素质比较低………


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