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广东金融学院 2008-JX16- 本科毕业论文(设计) 征心系统设计 学生姓名 : 刘智 曹高帆 梁亮 林松涛 XXX 学号 : 091542228 091542226 091542237 091542227 系部 : 计算机科学与技术 专业 : 信息管理与信息系统 指导教师 : 钟雪灵 提交日期 : 2012年06月25日 摘 要 随着高校考试制度改革的不断深化及网络技术的飞速发展, 试题库管理系统越来越受到广大高校和教师的青睐。试题库管理系统的主要功能包括试题管理和试卷管理,其中试卷管理的核心是试卷生成。试卷生成具有手工组卷和自动组卷两种方式,自动组卷是在已有题库的基础上,按照考核目的,在若干预设的条件下,按一定算法生成一份满足要求的试卷。 本文在认真分析和总结现有各类试题库系统优点和不足的基础上,根据广东省精品课程规范在网络课程方法的基本精神,设计并实现了基于B/S 模式的Web 试题库组卷系统。同时,为提高系统的运行效率,试题库系统采用LINQ TO SQL操作数据库,预给定的条件组卷,并在网页中显示出来 [关键词]:自动组卷;题库管理; Silverlight;LINQ;Web Abstract Along with the university examination system reform unceasing deepening and the networking rapid development, tries the question bank management system more and more to receive the general universities and teachers favor.Tries the question bank management system the main function including the test question management and the examination paper management, in which examination paper management core is the examination paper production.The examination paper production has the hand work team or group volume and the automatic group volume two ways, the automatic group volume was in had in the question bank foundation, according to inspection goal, in if intervened under the condition which supposed, produced one according to certain algorithm to satisfy the request the examination paper. This article is analyzing earnestly with the summary existing each kind tries in the question bank system merit and the insufficient foundation, according to the Guangdong Province high-quality goods curriculum standard in the network curriculum method basic spirit, designed and realizes has tried the question bank group volume system based on B/S pattern Web.At the same time, for enhances the system the operating efficiency, tries the question bank system to use LINQ TO the SQL operation database, the introduction genetic algorithm global optimization function, in assigns in advance under constraint condition, correct, highly effective group volume, and use


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