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“医学影像诊断学”专业英语学习技巧(1) —????? 词根、前后缀和常见疾病病名篇 ? ???????????????? ?泰山医学院放射学院 影像诊断学教研室? 卢 川 为了配合学生们学习“医学影像诊断学”专业英语,本人根据自己的教学经验,总结出如下技巧,供同学们参考。 ? 医学影像诊断学专业英语学习中的技巧包括: l?????? 熟记常用的词根、前后缀和病名 l?????? 熟记常用的高频词和句型 l?????? 熟记全文阅读中的关键词 l?????? 结合专业知识进行阅读和猜测 ?本文针对这几个方面提供了如下相关内容,供同学们参考。 ? ?? 常用的词根、前后缀和常见疾病病名 ?? Why Do We Study Medical Terminology? The number of Medical words are enormous. How many medical words are there in a medium-sized medical dictionary? The answer is around 100,000, which is only a conservative estimate.? Moreover, like the jargon( 行话)in all forward-moving fields, the number is expanding so constantly and quickly that it defies 藐视any memorization!Most medical terms are based on Greek and Latinwords, which are consistent 一致的 and uniform 统一的? throughout manydifferent areas. These Greek and Latin parts of words are called the root, prefix, suffix, combing vowels and combining forms.The root, prefix, suffix can aid in learning and remembering medical terms and even help in making informed guesses as to the meaning of unfamiliar words.Furthermore, their numbers are limited, about 400 to 500 or so (the most active ones), but the combinations derived from them are enormous. From what has been discussed above, we may reasonably reach the conclusion that to learn the root, prefix, suffix?? is much more efficient and meaningful than to try to memorize every medical term. ??? ??????? ? ?????? adeno-腺 ?????? angio- 血管 ?????? arterio-动脉 ?????? arthro-关节 ?????? atrio-心房;? ?????? bi-双,生,生命 ?????? blastoma-胚细胞瘤 ?????? carcino-癌 ?????? card-, cardio-,心,贲门 ?????? centesis-穿刺术 ?????? cephal-, cephalo-头 ?????? cervico-颈 ?????? chondr-;chondrio-软骨; ?????? chromato-; chrom-; chromo-色 ?????? colon-结肠 ?????? cranio-颅 ?????? cyano-青紫,绀 ?????? cysto-囊肿,膀胱 ; ?????? cyto-细胞 ?????? dendron-树突 ?????? derma-皮,皮肤 ?????? diplo-双,两 ?????? dys –不良,困难,障碍 ?????? enteric-肠 ?????? exo-外 ?????? fibro-纤维 ?????? ganglio-神经节 ?????? glio-:胶质; ?????? glyco- gluco- 糖,甜 ?????? gon-精液,种子,膝; ?????? graph


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