实用阶梯英语—翻译教程 实用阶梯英语翻译教程答案.doc

实用阶梯英语—翻译教程 实用阶梯英语翻译教程答案.doc

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第一章概论 第一节翻译的标准 2. 通顺 Translate by yourself: 1. Tom cares nothing about his studies. He is the poorest student in the class. 汤姆毫不关心他的学习,他是班上最差的学生。 2. How could they bow to the rich because of their hundred thousand pounds? 他们怎么能对富人卑躬屈膝呢? 3. The nurse told the husband that his wife was in difficult labor. 护士告诉丈夫,他妻子难产了。 4. Day light comes from the sun, which is a mass of hot, glowing gas. 日光来自太阳,而太阳是一大团炙热、发光的气体。 第二章翻译的一般方法 1. 直译 Translate by yourself: 1. Fees are rising at a slower rate now because schools have learned very rapidly that they cannot charge more than the market can bear. 现在学费的上涨率在下降,因为学校很快就知道他们的收费不能超过市场的承受力。 2. I got to know people by the flowers I had to remember not to cut down, by the things stuck in the ground on purpose or by the things lost in the grass. 通过那些我记住不能砍掉的花,通过那些有意插在地里的东西,或丢失在草地里的东西, 我开始了解各种各样的人。 3. Electronic computers, which make it possible to free man from the labor of complex measurements and computations, have found wide application in engineering. 电子计算机在工程技术上已获得广泛的应用,它使人类得以摆脱复杂的测量和计算工作。 4. There are some unique problems in international trade and companies doing business overseasmust be aware of them. 国际贸易中有一些特有的问题是在海外做生意的公司所必须了解的。 5. According to recent calculations, maintaining such a rhythm of growth would result in 60 million billion people on the earth in 900 years, which represent 120 inhabitants per square meter. 按最近的计算,保持这种增长率,900 年后地球上人口将达六亿亿,这意味着每平方米就 有120个居民。 2. 意译 Translate by yourself: 1. In private firms, green hands need special training. 在私企里,新人们要接受特殊的培训。 2. Foreign business people who are late are often left outside to cool their heels as a means of letting them know the importance of promptness. 姗姗来迟的外国商人常被拦在外面等上一会儿,好让他们知道准时的重要性。 3. You can tell John is a big shot, and he rides in a limousine everywhere he goes. 你看得出约翰是个大人物,他到哪都坐高级轿车。 4. We can stay down for the count and be carried out of the ring, or we can pull ourselves back to our feet. 要么我们被彻底打败而被逐出,要么我们勇敢地站起来。 5. Countless times I’ve seen that if you cast


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