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『台灣醫學』雜誌申請投稿聲明書 本人(等)擬以下列題目:□原著,□病例報告,□專題報導,□繼續教育型式刊登,申請投稿於「台灣醫學」雜誌。 題目:「 」 本篇過去未曾發表於其他雜誌,且同意在貴雜誌接受審查期間及接受刊登後,不投刊其他雜誌;同時遵守貴雜誌投稿規則,如違背願受貴誌編輯委員會裁決處理。 本篇列名之著者皆為實際參與研究及撰述,並能擔負修改、校對與審查者討論之工作;投稿前所有簽名著者均仔細過目並同意論文之內容及結論。(列為著者之原則,請參閱臺灣醫學會雜誌1988,vol.87,No.2,“如何寫作者欄和致謝欄”一文) 本篇論文已參閱投稿規則及參考文獻撰述。 特此聲明 所有著者(依著者順序簽章)附屬單位 日 期 發表於【】之著作作者: 題目: 據國際醫學期刊編輯委員會International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) “2006年醫學雜誌投稿之統一規定(Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals 2006) ”」填寫下列各表。 「台灣醫學」編輯部 啟 Conflict of Interest Disclosure Public trust in the peer review process and the credibility of published articles depend in part on how well conflict of interest is handled during writing, peer review, and editorial decision making. Conflict of interest exists when an author (or the authors institution), reviewer, or editor has financial or personal relationships that inappropriately influence (bias) his or her actions (such relationships are also known as dual commitments, competing interests, or competing loyalties). These relationships vary from those with negligible potential to those with great potential to influence judgment, and not all relationships represent true conflict of interest. The potential for conflict of interest can exist whether or not an individual believes that the relationship affects his or her scientific judgment. Financial relationships (such as employment, consultancies, stock ownership, honoraria, paid expert testimony) are the most easily identifiable conflicts of interest and the most likely to undermine the credibility of the journal, the authors, and of science itself. However, conflicts can occur for other reasons, such as personal relationships, academic competition, and intellectual passion. ~Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, 2006 表一、利益衝突聲明 請作者依上述國際醫學期刊編輯委員會之規範填寫“Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals” □ 無 No 本研究無上述所稱之可能產生利益衝突之狀況 No


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