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毕业论文 题 目 及设备选型 学 院 专 业 班 级 学 生 学 号 指导教师 二〇一一年月日 摘 要 近些年来, 随着各项技术的不断进步, 人们对脱硫技术中存在的主要问题也进行了大量的研究和改进, 并已取得突破性进展, 从而迎来了烟气脱硫技术的快速发展时期。脱硫剂的生产规模和设备规格都向大型化发展,重点促进新型脱硫剂生产技术和设备的开发,进行脱硫剂生产线的新工艺和新设备的研究。本论文将对某公司研制的一种新型循环流化床锅炉钙基复合催化干法脱硫剂的生产工艺进行设计。该新型脱硫剂是一种能减少能源浪费、并且能降低废气排放的循环流化床锅炉钙基复合催化干法脱硫剂,它由石灰石、盐酸、工业盐、几种添加剂、石灰和石灰石等组分组成。其制备方法为:将盐酸、工业盐和与工业盐等量的石灰石按比例加入耐酸反应池,反应完全后与石灰石、添加剂、石灰按比例加入混合搅拌设备,搅拌均匀后提入磨前原料仓,由原料仓给入粉磨设备制成小于100 目的脱硫剂粉,提入成品仓即得成品。 本文将主要介绍该新型脱硫剂生产线的工艺方案,并对一些关键设备进行选型和计算。 关键词:新型脱硫剂生产技术;工艺设计;设备选型 ABSTRACT In recent years, as technology continues to progress, people on the main problems of desulfurization technology for a lot of research and improvement and breakthroughs have been made, so as to usher in a period of rapid development of flue gas desulphurization technology. Desulfurization production scale and equipment specifications were to a large development, focusing on promoting the development of production technology and equipment of new desulfurizer, desulfurization agent production line of study on new technology and new equipment. This paper will be on a company develops a new type of calcium-based compound for circulating fluidized bed boiler of catalytic dry desulfurization agent production technology. The new desulfurization agent which can reduce energy waste and reduce emissions is a circulating fluidized bed boiler of calcium-based compound catalytic dry desulfurization agent, it consists of limestone, hydrochloric acid, industrial salt, composed of several components such as additive, lime, and limestone. The preparation method for the calcium complex catalysis dry-process desulfurizer for the circulating fluid bed boiler comprises the following steps of: adding the hydrochloric acid, the industrial salt and the limestone with a dosage equal to that of the industrial salt into an acid


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