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JIANGXI AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY 本 科 毕 业 论 文(设 计) 题目: 电动液压切管机设计 学 院: 工学院 姓 名: 学 号: 专 业: 机械设计制造及其自动化 年 级: 2010级 指导教师: 职 称:讲师 二0一四 年 五 月 摘要 本次设计的切管机主要是针对各种用途金属管材进行加工。本次设计的任务主要是对切管机中减速箱及有关零件进行的设计。其中包括传动装置的设计和计算。总体结构的设计以及对设计计算进行校核。并且通过得到的数据,绘制总体装配图,减速机装配图,减速箱焊接图等。然后又针对各主要基本件,绘制了多张零件图 本次设计的切管机为减轻工人的劳动强度,提高生产效率有着积极的意义。 全套图纸,加153893706 Abstract Roller machine is a new practical rolling groove of machinery and equipment, in particular for the processing of the tubes connecting the end of the trench roller slot machines . In the past, the general use of welded pipe connections , threads, flanges and other methods , such methods are generally prone to contamination or pollution of welding slag , or the need for secondary zinc, but also restricted the installation site , resulting in slow installation , Higher costs defect , so now there is also grooved mechanical pipe fittings to connect to overcome the above drawbacks connection , but the attendant was processing problems connecting pipe end of the trench. If a lathe , then not only slow, difficult, and it takes too big . Currently , it seems that no particular effective way . The purpose of this design is to provide a mechanical connection to the grooved pipe joints to process using the pipe connection terminal groove , good effect of special equipment. Roll slot machine works is based on the principle of a hydraulic transmission , using two rolling wheels constantly squeezed in the middle of its wall to form a trench ; characterized by the use of large -tonnage hydraulic pressure , adaptable , easy to replace punch and die quickly high production efficiency ; widely used in construction sites pipeline installation , complete with a


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