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36 2 V ol36 N o2 20 11 2 ENV IRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND MANAGEMENT Feb. 20 11 : 1674- 6139( 2011) 02- 0094- 04 1, 2 3 2, 4 5 任伊滨 , 李福生 , 李继光 , 任一 ( 1. , 150056; 2. , 150090; 3. , 150040; 4. , 1570 12; 5. , 15000 1) : 随着哈尔滨市人口的增长城市化进程加快和经济的快速发展, 北区湿地正受到严重的破坏本文 对 北湿地功能进行了全面系统的研究, 分析人类对城市自然湿地的影响程度, 探讨城市自然湿地可持续保 护利用的理论和技术方法, 以达到城市自然湿地的可持续发展和保护的目的通过对城市自然湿地的调查研 究, 找出它对于人类具备的不同于非城市自然湿地的特殊功能和价值 : 城市湿地; 湿地保护; 可持续发展 : X 17 1. 1 : A T he Funct on of H arb n Songbe U rban W etland 1, 2 3 2, 4 5 Ren Y b n , L Fusheng , L J guang , Ren Y ( 1. H e longj ang Prov nc al Re search Inst tu te of Env ronm ental Sc ences, H arb n 150056, C h na; 2. School ofM un c pal and Env ronm en tal Eng neer ng, H arb n Inst tu te of T echnology, H arb n 150090, Ch na; 3. C ollege of E ng neer ng and T echnology, H ortheast Forestry Un vers ty, H arb n 150040, C h na; 4. Departm ent of B ology, M udanj ang C ollege, M udanj ang 1570 12, C h na; 5. School ofM ater als S c ence Eng neer ng, H arb n E ng neer ng Un v ers ty, H arb n 150001, Ch na) Abstract:W th the rap dly grow th of the populat on and fast develop ng econom es, the urban w etland of songbe area w ere ser ous destroyed. Th s art cle focuse s on the funct on of com prehens ve and system at c stud es, study the n fluence of the urban w etland by the hum an be ng. In order to protect and susta nable developm en t the urban w etland, w e shou ld control the Protect on theory and techn quesm ethod. By re search ng the u rban w etland, peop le shou ld f nd ts spec al funct o


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