Unit 1《Living with technology》Word power课件3(41张PPT)(译林版选修7).ppt

Unit 1《Living with technology》Word power课件3(41张PPT)(译林版选修7).ppt

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Unit 1《Living with technology》Word power课件3(41张PPT)(译林版选修7).ppt

23. familiar  sb be familiar with sth 某人熟悉某事物 sth be familiar to sb 某事物为某人所熟悉 We haven’t met our neighbors so we are not familiar with them. We haven’t met our neighbors so they are not familiar to us. 23. shape v. 使成形;影响,决定 shapes, shaped, shaped, shaping He shaped a pot out of the clay. 他用黏土塑成了一个罐子 2) These events shaped her future career. 这些事情影响了她未来的职业 n. 形状   clouds of different shapes in the sky 天空中不同形状的云彩  in the shape of 以某物的形式 in shape  健康  out of shape 变形,走样;不健康   24. guarantee n. 保证 The new television has a guarantee with it. He had to offer his house as a guarantee. v. 担保;许诺 guaranteed; guaranteeing; guarantees guarantee a product. 保证产品质量 guarantee to free the prisoners 保证释放 25. terminal When he was rushed to the hospital, he was examined terminal cancer. 晚期的 2) Excuse me, can you tell me where is the terminal of the train? 终点的 terminate v. 终结,结束 terminator n. 终结者 termination n. 终点,结束 26. caution U.N. 谨慎,小心;C.N 警告,告诫 with caution 小心翼翼 for caution’s sake 为了安全起见 give sb a caution 给某人警告;告诫某人 vt. 警告,告诫 I cautioned him not to be late any more. against being late cautious a. be cautious of 小心,留意 27. expose 使暴露于;使遭受;揭发  be exposed to sth 被暴露于;经受 expose one’s skin to the sun 令皮肤暴露于阳光下 2) He exposed their crime. 他揭发了他们的罪行 3) This kind of paint can be exposed to all kind of weather. 这种油漆能经受住各种天气的考验 (02上海)_______ to sunlight for too much time will do harm to one’s skin. Exposed B. Having exposed C. Being exposed D. After being exposed C 28. equal  be equal to  等于,相当于; 胜任 On the whole, women are not equal to men in physical strength. Riding a bike for an hour is equal to working out for half



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