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毕业设计(论文) 题 目 基于工作抽样的齿轮箱生产线宽放时间研究                  起讫日期 2011年3月28日 至 2011年6月17日                  学生姓名 专业班级 工业工程07-2 所在学院  机械工程学院         指导教师 职称  讲师   所在单位 工业工程教研室    2011 年 06 月 10 日 摘 要 生产线宽放时间的多少在生产活动中占有至关重要重要的一部分,休息宽放时间的确定,对于制定先进合理的劳动定额,保障劳动者的身心健康,提高工作效率具有十分重要的意义。 本文以大连机车厂的齿轮箱生产线以及每道工序的人机作为研究对象,研究其宽放时间,并对其进行分析和讨论。通过工作抽样的方法对机车厂齿轮箱生产线宽放时间进行研究,结合工厂实际情况进行工作抽样以获取所需数据,利用所得数据选择合理的方法进行宽放时间的计算。得到生产线及各工序人和机器的宽放时间,相对于一般机械厂应有的宽放时间来说较大,需要改进。对其进行分析和讨论,重点是对每道工序人机作业率的分析与讨论,结合工厂实际情况。找出导致这样结果的原因,并结合车间实际情,找出不合理和需要改进的地方,提出改进方法和措施,提高每道工序及整个生产线的人际作业率。 关键词:齿轮箱生产线 工作抽样 宽放时间 ABSTRACT How much time put production line width in production activities of possession is crucial important part of it, put the rest time to determine, wide to set reasonable advanced work quota, safeguard workers health, improve work efficiency has the very vital significance. In this paper, the JiCheChang dalian the gear box production line and each procedure man-machine as the object of study, the wide put time, and carries on the analysis and discussion. Through the work of the method of sampling JiCheChang gear box production line width, put time with the actual situation of factory work and get the sample data, using data from the rational choice of methods for the calculation of time put wide. Get production line and each working procedure of man and machine put time, relative to the wide general machinery factory should put it is bigger, wide time needs to be improved. On the analysis and discussion, the key point is to each procedure man-machine operation efficiency analysis and discussion, combined with the practical situation. Factory To find out the reason for this, and combining with the actual feeling, find out not workshop reasonable and areas in need of improvement, put forward the improvement methods and measures to improve each procedure and the whole production line of human utilization rate. Keywords: gear box production line work sampling wide



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