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摘 要 本设计在学习了普通冲压知识基础上,设计了在普通压力机上进行工作的冲孔落料拉深复合模具。本论文分析了该模具的冲压成形的工艺特点,介绍了模具的结构特点,装配过程。 本次毕业设计的任务是冲压工艺分析和模具的具体结构设计。通过查阅了相关文献资料,对工件进行工艺性分析,选择并确定符合给定条件的最优工艺方案,进行了工艺与设计的有关计算,如确定工艺方案、排样设计、压力中心计算。介绍了主要零部件的设计,详细剖析了设计过程中的一些思路,并阐述了冲孔落料复合模的设计要点。简述了模具装配的内容和目的,并详细叙述了本模具的装配过程。 排样的合理与否,影响到材料的经济利用率,还会影响到模具结构、生产率、制件质量、生产操作方便及安全等。此工件采用对排的排样方式,提高了材料的经济利用率。同时,凸、凹模结构对产品生产质量影响很大,在提高经济效益和降低成本的前提下,设计出简单而合理的凸、凹模结构是设计中的重要环节。 关键词:冲孔,落料,拉深,复合模,排样 Abstract The present design reports a composite blanking punching Deep die, the basis of which is the knowledge about general blanking deep drawing .This paper analyzes the process of stamping mould, introducing the structure characteristics of the mould and assembly process. The design is focused on both the analysis of the contact plate and the particular configuration design of die. According to the check with a great deal of reference details, it is a must to base on the technical analysis of the workpiece, then chose a best craft procedure to a given project. I Carried out the calculation and design process, such as determining process plan, layout and designing center of pressure calculation. The paper presents the main components of the design conceptand and has a detailed analysis of the design process. This paper describes the content and purpose of the mold assembly, and has a detailed description of the mold assembly process. Layout is reasonable or not can affect the economic utilization of materials, but also affect the mold structure, production, part quality, ease of operation and safety. At the same time, convex, concave mold structure has a great impact in the product quality. It is an important part of the design to design a reasonable and simple convex and concave mold under the premise of improving the economic efficiency and reducing costs. Key words: Punching; Blanking; Deep drawing;Compound Die; Nesting 目 录 前 言…………………………………………………………………………… 错误!未定义书签。 1 明确设计任务,收集相关资料………………………………………………2 1.1设计题目……………………………………………………………… 2 1.2冲压件


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