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摘 要 本设计的题目是:辽宁葫芦岛绥中万家道路工程,路线属于公路自然区划II2a区。 本次设计所采用的路线,是通过综合考虑交通量及其年增长率、地形与地貌、气候条件,施工条件等方面的因素后,进行方案比选采用最优方案。 综合该地区的经济发展前景和交通量发展需求,从远景和近期的交通状况出发,确定采用高速路的技术指标进行设计,设计所采用的设计车速为:平原区80㎞/h,双向二车道,车道宽7.5m,路基宽12m,硬路肩1.5m,路缘带0.75m。根据交通量确定公路等级为二级公路,公路设计使用年限为15年。 该路线总长为13156.15m共设个平曲线,具体平曲线要素见后表;竖曲线个。路面设计为路面Abstract The design is entitled : Huludao Wanjia seaside road, which is in Liaoning province, and it grade was two highways integrated design, Highway’s natural areas belong to District II2a. The design of this line is comprehensive considerate of the traffic, growth, topography and landforms, climatic conditions, construction conditions, and think the other factors, too. At last , choose the better plan from the two design program. Integrating the regions economic development prospects and traffic development needs, from the vision and the recent traffic situation, adopt the highway technical indicators for this design, the design speed for this road is: Plain-80 kilometer peur an hour, take two-way lanes, lane width is7.5 m, 12m wide embankment, and the hard shoulder is 1.5m,use the 0.75m soil shoulder. According to the determine road traffic levels, the highway’s design life span of 15 years. The line for the chief length is 13156.15 m, a total of five-curve, the curve-specific elements illustrated in table curve ease of setting up high; Have 6 vertical curve . The pavement design is high pavement, using asphalt concrete pavement, The design of this asphalt pavement take the theory of elastic layered system as basis. Among the design ,there is a prestressed concrete hollow pangyo bridge, which span is 60 m, and so on. To ensure the road have enough subgrade strength and stability, extending the life of this road, from the design of the road embankment, it should have the drainage path for the detailed design. The subgrade drainage design must be thought of the local conditions, comprehensive planning, and make full use of the favorable terrain. Key words:raffic; Curve;


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