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基于单片机+CPLD体系结构的信标机设计 摘要 在机场的无线电通信导航设备中,信标机是一种重要的导航设备,因此对信 标机的研究和设计具有十分重要的战略意义。 我撰写的论文题目是基于“单片机+CPLD体系结构的信标机设计”,此论文 主要针对现在使用的信标机设计技术及元器件类型相对陈旧,实现功能过于手工 化、分离元件过多,体积大、重量大、维修困难等问题,为实现设备的小型化、 模块化和标准化,进一步提高设备的集成度和可靠性,提高智能化,为此,我根 据目前广泛应用于各类仪器、设备中的单片机、CPLD器件,对基于单片机+CPLD 体系结构的信标机设计方法进行了浅显的探讨。 设计的主要内容如下: 1.对单片机、CPLD和FPGA性能特点进行分析,提出了基于“单片机+CPLD体 系结构”的信标机设计方案; 2.在CPLD中实现音频信号分频的计算方法,给出了设计原理图; 3.单片机与CPLD接口以总线方式实现译码、数据和控制锁存功能的VHDL设计; 4.信标发射机的设计; 5.给出了整机监控流程图和单片机监控程序的编制。 本文详细介绍了信标机的实现方法,对实现信标机的小型化、微机化进行了 有益的尝试,具有一定意义。 关键词 单片机 信标机 CPLD Based on “MCU+CPLD Architecture” to design beacon tranmitter Abstract Beacon transmitter is an important device to the wired comunication and navigation in airport,so its of great strategic value to make applied researches. This papers name is baseed on MCU+CPLD Architecture to design beacon transmitter. this thess points out some disadvantages of device ,such as technology backward in technique and type of components obsolete,manual operations,many absolute components,very large size and weight,operating and maintaining diffculty. In order to small size and modules and standardization ,and improve the devices intergrated and very high enough realiability ,intelligence, I explored the method of beacon transmitters designing based on MCU+CPLD Architecture,according to MCU,CPLD components applied to the many instrument and device. The major work of this dissertation is as follows. 1. Analysising the feature of MCU,CPLD, FPGA, I provided the method of beacon transmitter basee on MCU+CPLD Architecture. 2. Audio signal frequency is implemented in CPLD,give the schematic of the designing. 3. Decording,latching data controlling signals are implemented in CPLD by interface between MCU and CPLD. 4. Beacon transmitters designing. S. Drawing the flow chart and making the MCU controlling and monitered programe. This paper introduced the method of the beacon transmitter, and gived the advantag


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