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34 4 V ol. 34 No. 4 2 0 1 1 7 J OU RN A L O F A G RICU LT U RA L U N IV ER SIT Y O F H EBEI Jul . 2 0 1 1 : 1000- 1573 2011) 04-0 10 8- 04 - 1 2 张 华 , 于晓敏 * 1. , 07 1001; 2 . , 07 1000) : , , , - : ; ; : T U 37 8 : A Experimental study of interaction between cemented soil and shape steel of shaped steel reinforced cemented soil composite beam ZHANG Hua, YU Xiao- min 1. Colleg e of U r ban and Rur al Construction , Ag r icultural U niversit y of H ebei, Baoding 071001, China; 2 . Science and Eng ineering Schoo l o f Hebei, Baoding 071000, China) Abstract : Shaped st eel r einfor ced cement ed soil r et aining w all is now u sed in eng ineering. H ow ever, t here has been no systemat ic research on it s f ailure mode. U nlike t he t radit ional SMW met ho d w hose st if fness m ostly depends o n t hat o f shaped st eel, the st iff ness of shaped st eel r einfor ced cem ent ed soil ret aining w al l m ostly com es fr om cement ed soil. In order t o stud- y t he f ailure mode of shaped st eel reinfo rced cement ed soil retaining w all, com posite beam t est s w er e perf ormed w ith st eel bo ar d as shaped st eel in mode co mposit e beam. M odel co mposit e beams w it h dif ferent sect ion height w ere tested w it h 2 kinds o f lo ading scheme t o analyz e t he assem bled st if fness and ult im ate bearing capacit y o f st eel board- cement soil beam com po sit e. Key words: reinfor ced cement ed soil


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