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小学高年级拖堂现象的调查研究 ——以大同市某小学为例 摘要:拖堂容易造成小学生心理疲劳,引起学生反感,因此拖堂现象是不容忽视的。本文通过对大同市某小学高年级的老师和学生进行访谈,分析出拖堂的现状有两个方面:一方面,教师拖堂行为的比重在增大;另一方面,拖堂行为也对学生造成了不良的影响。笔者通过查阅大量文献,分别从老师的角度和教师所授科目的角度来探究拖堂的原因,针对上述存在的问题提出了相应的对策,包括加强教师的思想认识和提高教师的课堂组织能力等改进意见,希望引起广大教师的积极对问题和不足进行改进和完善,共同解决小学课堂中的拖堂现象,从而提高教学效率,促进学生发展。 关键词:拖堂现象;小学生;原因分析;对策 Tuotang Phenomena upper Primary Research —— Taking a Primary School in Datong as an Example ????????????????????? ?? Abstract: Tuotang likely to cause students mental fatigue, causing students to resentment. Tuotang phenomenon can not be ignored. Based on the Datong high-grade teacher in a primary school and student interviews, analysis of the current situation this phenomenon has two aspects: on the one hand, the proportion of teachers Tuotang behavior increases, on the other hand, Tuotang behavior had a negative effects. Author through access to a large literature, respectively, from the teachers point of view and the perspective of teachers granted subject to explore Tuotang reasons. For the above problems put forward the corresponding countermeasures, including strengthening and improving ideological understanding of teachers classroom ,teachers improve organizational capability opinion, to arouse the enthusiasm of the majority of teachers on the problems and deficiencies to improve and perfect together to solve elementary school classroom Tuotang phenomenon, thereby improving teaching effectiveness, and promote student development. Keywords: Tuotang phenomenon; students; cause analysis; countermeasures 目 录 一、引言 (1) (一)研究背景 (1) (二)研究目的 (1) (三)研究意义 (1) (四)研究的创新点 (1) 二、概念界定 (2) (一)小学高年级 (2) (二)课堂拖堂 (2) 三、研究设计 (2) (一)访谈对象 (2) (二)研究方法 (2) 1.文献研究法 (2) 2.访谈法 (2) 四、小学高年级拖堂现象的现状分析及原因探究 (3) (一)现状分析 (3) 1.教师拖堂比重较大 (3) 2.拖堂造成不良影响 (3) (二)原因探究 (5) 1.教师及学校方面存在的原因 (5) 2.教学科目本身存在的原因 (6) 五、对策 (7) (一)教师转变教育思想 (7) (二)教师提高教学效率 (7) (三)教师的语言要精练 (8) (四)教师灵活选用教学手段 (8) (五)学校严行教学制度 (8) 六、小结 (8) 参考文献 (9) 致谢 (10) 附录一 (11) 附录一 (12) 一、引言 (一)研究背景 本文选题来源于实习


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