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本科毕业设计(论文) A公司员工关系管理方案设计 学 院 管理学院 专 业 人力资源管理 年级班别 2008级(2)班 学 号 3208005665 学生姓名 黄敏青 指导教师 陈 劲/张 珏 2012年6月 摘 要 众所周知,“人”是公司里最关键的因素,员工是公司最大的财富。世界上成功的公司有个最大的共同之处,就是它们都拥有和谐的员工关系,拥有超级强大的凝聚力和核心竞争力。在我国,公司的员工管理关系还处于初级阶段,职业范围有限,相关从业人员专业技能有限,大部分公司没有独立设置员工关系管理岗位,即使有也未形成完整的体系,并且往往流于形式,缺乏进一步落实。 本人通过学习和了解了一些有关员工关系管理的知识,也越来越清晰地认识到公司管理中员工关系管理的重要性。在两个月的实习中,我参与了A公司员工关系管理调整项目—改善员工关系项目。在项目中,主要以深化HR与各个部门的合作关系为中心,首先业务部门合作试行,然后评估效果,再向全公司推广。 关键字:A公司,员工关系管理,沟通管理,劳动关系 Abstrat As is known to all, "person" is the key factor, the staff is a company's greatest wealth. The success of the company in the world have a biggest fator in common, is that they have a harmonious employee relationship with the super powerful cohesiveness and core competitive power. In our country, the company's employee relationship management is still in the primary stage, career to a limited extent, relevant employees professional skills is limited, most companies have no independent set employee relationship management positions, even if there is also not form complete system, and often become a mere formality, lack of further implementation. After learning and understanding something about the employee relationship management knowledge, I feel more and more clearly realize the company management in the importance of employee relationship management. In the two months of training, I participated in A company employee relationship management project-improve employee relation adjustment project. In the project, in order to deepen the main HR and each department relations of cooperation for the center, the first business department cooperation try out, and then evaluate effect, again to all the promotion. Key words: A company,Employee relationship management,Communication management ,Labor relations 目 录 1 绪论 1 1.1 题目背景及目的 1 1.2 国内外研究状况 1 1.3



