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32 2 ( ) V o l. 32 N o. 2 200 8 3 Journa l o f N an jing Fo restry U n iversity( N atura l Sciences Ed ition) M ar. 200 8 ( 2 10037) : 精确把握土壤各组分的呼吸作用对于土壤碳循环研究至关重要虽然已有许多 法应用于土壤呼吸的各 组分测定 但是所得结果难以令人满意笔者在分析国内外相关研究的基础上 全面总结现有测定 法的原理 特点以及优缺点 分析各主要 法的差异性 为进 一步研究土壤各组分呼吸作用 探明根系呼吸特性提供参考 : 土壤呼吸; 根系呼吸; 分离 法 : S714 : A : 1000 - 2006 ( 2008) 02 - 0097 - 06 A review on m ethods of separating root con tribution to soil resp iration TANG Luo-zhong ( C ollege of F orest R esources and Env ironm ent N an jing F orestry U n ivers ity N an jing 2 10037 Ch ina) A b stract: It w as mi portant to unde rstand the contr ibution of so il resp iration sources in resea rch on so il carbon cycles. A lthough there w ere m any m e thods to stu dy roo t contribution to so il resp iration the resu lts w e re no t satisfac to ry. T hrough the surv ey o f the publication s ove r the w o rld the princ ip les featu res advantag es and d isadvan tages o f the m ethods w e re summ arized. T he d ifferences am ong the m e thods w ere po inted ou t in this p aper. Th is rev iew shou ld o ffer mi po rtant re ferences fo r stud ies on the m e thods of investigating the roo t contribution to the so il resp iration in the future. K ey w ords: So il resp ira tion; R oo t resp iration; Separation m ethod 1 400 P g[ 1] 73% [ 2 ] [ 3] 68 Pg ( 100~ 120 Pg / a) ( 50 ~ 60 Pg / a) [ 4]


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