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熱澆道設計 Hot Runner Design 徐昌煜 Charles Hsu 熱澆道的問題似乎發生在三處: 1. 澆口直徑 2. 澆口長度 3. 噴嘴孔徑 Problems with hot runner seems to be in three places: 1. Gate diameter 2. Gate land 3. Nozzle orifice diameter 熱澆道的問題所在 Where Causes Problems with of Runner 任何發生在澆口處的發赤或噴流,表示澆口太小。 變褐則表示材料過熱而劣解。 Any blush or jetting at the gate means the gate is too small, and brown discolorations mean the material is being degraded by too much heat. 受限的塑流通道 Restricted Flow Path BROWN STREAK WITH FLOW LINES A brown streak on the part molded from easy- flow polycarbonate with the flow lines. 為了保持澆口暢通而格外加熱塑料,加上塑料在射出時通過長澆口時承受的剪切力,有可能造成褐線。 It was probably a combination of shear through the long land of the gate during injection and the extra heat needed to keep the gates open that are causing the brown streak. 褐線 Brown Streak 只以噴嘴口徑去配合熱澆道口徑是不對的。 首先要將澆道口徑加大,以配合下游塑流通道口徑,然後再加大噴嘴口徑以配合澆道口徑。 It isn’t just sizing the nozzle orifice to match the hole in the hot sprue bushing . First you might have to increase the hole size of the sprue bushing to match the flow channel diameter, then drill the nozzle out to match the sprue diameter. 受限的塑流通道 Restricted Flow Path 理想的澆道襯套設計 Optimized Sprue Bushing Design 當塑流通道受限於小或長的澆口,成型技術員常將設定溫度調高,以確保型腔充填、保壓無虞。 When the flow path is restricted by a small gate diameter or a long land length, you will usually see higher heat settings being used by the molding technicians to get the parts to fill and pack out. 這樣的作法產生的問題有製品的翹曲,澆口的外觀缺陷和長的成型時間。 The problem with this approach is that it usually causes warpage of the parts, cosmetic defects around the gate area, and long molding cycles. 受限的塑流通道 Restricted Flow Path 如果歧管溫度設定得比料管前區為高,澆口尺寸或許有問題。 如果必須將噴嘴溫度設定得特別高,噴嘴口徑或許沒配合上熱澆道口徑。 If you find you have to run the manifold heats higher than the front zone of the barrel, you probably have gate sizing problems. If you have to run the heats up on the nozzle, the nozzle orifice probably hasn’t been drilled out to match the hot sprue bushing diameter. 受限的塑流通道 Restricted Flow Path 如果塑流通道的尺


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