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European Exploration and Colonization What European country explored and settled the Caribbean, Central America, and South America? Spain For what two reasons did Englishmen settle in North America? Religious Freedom Economic Opportunity What religious group settled New England? The Puritans What was another name for the Church of England? The Anglican Church What was the major reason for the settlement of New England? Religious Freedom Who settled at Plymouth, Massachusetts in 1620? The Separatists commonly called the Pilgrims What agreement signed by the male settlers at Plymouth helped establish the notion of self-government in the Americas? The Mayflower Compact Who settled the Massachusetts Bay Colony? The Puritans How did the Puritans get their name? The Puritans wanted to purify or reform the Anglican Church. What was the basic unit of the Massachusetts Bay Colony? The Church Congregation Each congregation established a Town Where did the Puritans practice a form of direct democracy? At Town Meetings Which colony did the Pilgrims settle? Plymouth What three European groups chiefly settled the Middle Atlantic region? English Dutch Germans What was the major reason for the settlement of Virginia and the other Southern colonies? Economic Opportunity Who founded the Virginia colony as a business venture? The Virginia Company of London Who were the English nobility who received large land grants in Virginia from the King of England and helped settle the colony? Cavaliers Define indentured servant? A person who agreed to work a certain number of years in exchange for payment of his passage to America. What was the first permanent English settlement in North America? Jamestown What became the cash crop of the Virginia colony? Tobacco What was the first elected assembly (lawmaking body) in the New World? The House of Burgesses With what colony does one associate the Cavaliers? Virginia Where did many poor English immigrants settle in the Virginia colony? In the S


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