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内容摘要 现在一般制造企业生产过程中,每时每刻都在烧钱,浪费非常严重。如何来优化和改善,使企业生产制造成本最低,最基本、最有效的改进措施就是从生产现场管理方面入手。论文一开始通过加强现场的重要作用和现场管理对安全生产的现实意义来说明生产现场管理的意义,接着说明宁波奇美电子有限公司生产现场现状,然后介绍生产现场管理的概念及国内外研究现状,这里是通过介绍现场管理的概念、基本任务、任务,而现场管理的任务主要主要是管理人、机、物。第二部分是生产现场生产管理的国内外研究意义,从了解国内外现场管理的研究现状,我国企业现场管理的现状,以及现场改善的相关理论研究和宁波奇美电子生产现场管理的意义着手。最后是宁波奇美电子现场管理现状及问题分析,通过介绍产品生产的前段流程,产品部材和耗材供给的流程和机台清洁、维护、运行的保证和现场环境5S的流程,对宁波奇美电子现场管理问题分析和生产现场管理改进策略的探讨,主要是从精益生产的现场5S,改进生产现场的生产流程管理,完善生产现场设备的维修保养制度,员工现场管理理论和方法的培训教育对生产管理优化作用的探讨。 关键词:生产现场管理、改进、流程 ABSTRACT Now in the general Manufacturing firm production process, is burning the money every time, the waste is serious. How to optimize and the improvement, causes the enterprise manufacturing cost to be lowest, most is basic, the most effective corrective measure is from produces the scene management aspect to obtain. The paper through strengthens the scene from the very beginning the influential role and the scene management to the safety in production practical significance explained that produces the scene management the significance, then explained that the Ningbo Chi Mei Electronics Limited Company produces the scene present situation, then the introduction produces the scene management the concept and the domestic and foreign research present situation, here is through introduces the scene management the concept, the basic task, the duty, but the scene managements duty mainly is mainly the supervisor, machine, the thing. The second part is produces scene production management the domestic and foreign research significance, from understood that the domestic and foreign scene management the research present situation, Our country Enterprise scene managements present situation, as well as the scene improvements correlation theories research sub-produces the scene management with Ningbo Chi Mei Electronics Limited Company the significance to begin. Finally is the Ningbo Chi Mei Electronics Limited Company sub-scene management present situation and the problem analysis, through the i


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