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The Historical Evolution of China-Soviet Union (Russia)Relations and its Significance Zhang Haixing Abstract:In terms of relationship models, Chinas relations w ith Soviet Union, and later Russia, have undergone transitions betw een one of allies, to one of confrontation, and more recently one of partnership.Like history w hich develops organically, the three stated relationship models share strong logical connections betw een them. On the one hand, the ally and confrontational models are legacies to the partnership model;their influences and restrictions on the latter w ere largely internalized.On the other hand, the development of the partnership model in the 1 0s ow es as much to the dialectics of inheritance and abandonment of the ally and confrontation models.It is thus impossible to isolate one model from another.Given such entanglements, core and more pertinent research questions appear to be: w hat has the current China-Russia partnership model inherited and abandoned from its predecessor models ?What are the innovations of the latest model ?With a view from history to the present, w hat form of scientific recognition should scholars attach to this partnership model ?These questions can only be clarified w ith the historical assessment of the internal logics between the “ally-confrontation-partnership”relationship models. Key Words:China-Soviet Union / China-Russia / Ally Model / Confrontation Model / Partnership Model Author:Zhang Haixing, PhD Candidate, Department of CCP History, School of M arxism Studies, Renmin University — 84 — 中苏 (俄)关系的历史 演进及其当前启示 张海星 :从中苏到中俄, 从同盟、 对抗到伙伴, 这三种关系模式如同 历史本身的有机发展 一样, 彼 之间有着深厚的逻辑关联。 一方面, 同盟和 对抗模式为伙伴模式提供了极为丰厚的历史遗产, 对其产生了不可割舍的内 在影响和制约。另 一方面, 伙伴模式在 20 世纪 0 年代后之所以能够得到全


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