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Task 1:Brainstorming From this song can you find out the spirit of the Olympic Shooting Bicycle Race Wrestling skiing skating Figure Skating Ice ball AN INTERVIEW Task 2: * * Unit 2 The Olympic Games —warming up speaking By Yang Caixia 我和你,心连心, 同住地球村。 为梦想,千里行, 相会在北京。 来吧,朋友, 伸出你的手。 我和你,心连心, 永远一家人。 You and me, from one world, We are family. Travel dream, a thousand miles, Meeting in Beijing. Come together, Put your hand in mine. You and me, from one world, We are family. Q 1: what is the name of the song? _______________________ Q2: what was the song written and sung for? ___________________________ ___________________________ 《You and me》 It was written snd sung for “the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games” Learning aims Take this lesson as the “opening ceremony” and let us know some basic knowledge of the Olympic Games, especially the 29th Olympics How to have an interview and enable the Ss to talk about the topic concerning about “sports” Listen to a song and try to understand the spirit of the Olympic How much do you know about the Olympic Games? I、basic knowledge of the Olympic Olympic Games The 2008 Beijing Olympic Games Quiz about 2. How many countries competed in the ancient Olympic Games? one B. two C. three D. all the coutires in the world 1.Where did the ancient Olympics start? A. Rome B. Greece C. the U.S.A 3.Who could not take part in the ancient Olympic Games? A. slaves B. women C. slaves and women 4. What was rewarded to the winners in ancient Olympic Games? Olive wreath a symbol of peace. 橄榄枝花冠 6. What was rewarded to the winners in modern Olympic Games? A. Metals B. Medals C. Olive wreaths 5. When and where did the modern Olympics start? A. 1896 Olympia B. 1896 Athens C. 1900 Athens 7. How many kinds of Olympic Games are there in the world? What are they? Two kinds, the Summer Oly


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