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J ou rna l of Sou theast U n iversity (Eng lish Ed ition )  V o l. 25, N o. 3, pp. 335 - 339 Sep t. 2009 ISSN 1003—7985 Veh icle and terra in in teraction ba sed on A dam sM a tlab cosim ula tion Zh ang X iaoyang  Sun B e ib e i  Sun Q inghong  C hen N an (S choo l of M echan ica l Eng ineering, Sou theast U n ivers ity, N anj ing 2 11189, C h ina) Abstract:A k ind of construction truck m odel is bu ilt in A dam s ker and Jonasi app roach w ith p arameters from relative literature based on m u ltibody dynam ic theory. The rig id and e lastic w hee ls and two kinds of typ ical offroad soil are selected as samp les to of tiresoil con tact m odels are p rop osed based on the B ekker study its effect on the ride com fort of vehicles running on it. p ressu re m ode l and the J onasi shear so il m ode l, and they are A lthough the B ekker and Jonasi app roach is relatively old, ef described in the form of S function to enhance the calcu lation fective imp lementation to ach ieve its fu ll potential has been effic iency and sim u lation accu racy. F ina lly, the in teraction of po ssib le only recently,w ith the advent of high cap ab ility com truck and soil is sim u lated by A dam sM atlab cosim u lation to puters and simu lation software p ackages. A computational algo study the influence of soft terra in on the ride com fort of veh icles. rithm for such imp lementation is p resented. Tireterrain inter The cosim u lation resu lts reveal that the terrain


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