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23 8 V o l. 23 No. 8 2010 8 CH INESE JOURNAL OF SENSORS AND ACTUATORS A ug. 2010 * Dua-lChannel ImageRea-lTimeProcessing System Based on FPGA * FEN G W eichang, L IN Yuch i , H E D ong, SON G L e, ZHA O M eirong (S tate K ey Labora tory o P rec ision M easuring T echnology and In strum en ts, T ianj in University, T ianj in 300072, Ch ina ) Abstract: In o rder to overcom e the problem of w eak real-t mi e for mi age processing system based on PC, high cost, inadequate u se o f resources and d ifficu lt to design fo r FPGA + D SP modu le, a design of new dua-l channel mi age re- a-l tmi e processing system is proposed. T he system takes an FPGA ch ip as key processor, capture v ideo mi age by CCD and Infrared mi ag ing system, wh ich sent to A DV 7180 chip by AV cab le to realize v ideo decod ing, the mi age processing m odu le is mi p lem ented through V erilog H DL, em bedded D SP hard-core and N ios II processor. T he ex- permi ent resu lts show it has strong real- tmi e and good mi age processing effect, in addition to, low cost, smi p le de- sign, and flex ible applicat ion. ey words: mi age processing; FPGA; dual-channel; real- tmi e; V erilog HDL EEACC: 7230G do:i 10. 3969/j. issn. 1004- 1699. 2010. 08. 015 FPGA * * 冯伟昌, 林玉池 , 何 冬, 宋 乐, 赵美蓉 ( , 300072 : PC, FPGA + DSP , FPGA , CCD , AV ADV7 180, V er ilog D SP N ios II, , : ; FPGA; ; ; V er ilog : TP391. 41 : A : 1004- 1699(2010)08- 1118- 05 [ 3- 4] , , , CCD PC , ADV 7180, [


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