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# 352 # Chinese Journal of Behavior al Medical Science 10( 4) , 200 1 卫生预防#论著 城市居民生活质量及其影响因素调查分析 , ( , 310013) : 调查城市居民的生活质量及其影响因素 选取城市社区居民492 名, 用生活质量综合评定量表从客 观 况和主观满意度两个方面对他们的生活质量进行评估 ( 1) 城市居民总体的生活质量良好; ( 2) 心理健康躯体健 康社会功能对城市居民生活质量的影响逐渐超过物质生活的影响; ( 3) 年龄文化程度锻炼身体业余爱好等因素对城市居 民的生活质量有影响 在提高居民的生活质量过程中, 要重视人们的心理健康社会功能及躯体健康, 要重视年龄文 化程度及业余爱好等因素的影响作用 : 城市居民; 生活质量; 影响因素 Studyin g quality of life an d it. s inf lu en cin g fact or s of city inh abita nt s CH EN Shu2lin , H UAN G X in . Seventh H osp ita l of H a ngzhou , Zhej iang 3100 13 Abstr act: Object ive Invest igat in g quality of life and it. s influ en cing fact ors of city inhabit ant s Meth ods 492 city inhab it ant s w ere samp led from H an gzhou city, t hen t heir qu alit ies of life in cluding object ive st atus an d subject ive wel2l b eing were t est ed by / Generic Quality of L ife Invent ory2 740 Resu lt s ( 1) Gen eric qu ality of life of city inhabit ant s is well ; ( 2) affect s of ment al health , physical health and social funct ion are ov er affect of matt er life ( 3) Age, edu cat ion , physical exercise an d h obby are imp ort ant influ2 encin g fact ors in qu alit iy of life of city inh ab it ants Con clu sion To improve quality of life of city inhab it ant s, ment al h ealth, social funct ion an d physical health shou ld b e strengthened Key word s: City inh abit ants ; Quality of life; In fluen cing factors : R395 1 : A : 10052 8559( 2 001) 042 03522 03 [ 3] 30 , , , 4 : , 70 [ 1] Cox 1992


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