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2010 24 2010 No1 24 Science and TechnologyM anagement Research : 1000- 7695 ( 2010) 24- 0011- 04 国家现代农业产业技术体系建设与发展之我见 梅方竹, 涂立超, 伍新玲, 朱 晓 (华中农业大学科技处, 湖北武汉 430070) : 对我国现代农业产业技术体系建设的意义与发展目 产业体系建设与支撑我国农业生产的功能与作用, 产业体系建设与发展中的若干若干问题等进行探讨 : 现代农业; 产业技术; 建设与发展 : S- 1 : A Construction and D evelopm ent of National Sy stem ofM odern A gr icu lture Indu strial T echnology MEI Fangzhu, TU L ichao, WU X inling, ZHU X iao (D ivision of Science Technology, Huazhong Agriculture University, W uhan 430070, Hubei) A bstrac t: The modern agriculture industrial technology system is an mi portant component of agriculturalscience and tech- nology innovation in hina. By the end of 2008, fiftymain agricultural industrial technology system s have already been set up. M inistry of Finance andM inistry ofAgriculture both pay attention to the construction of modern agriculture industrial technology system, and confirm that it is a significant institutional innovation, mechanism innovation, andmanagement in- novation in agricultural technologicalmanagement in hina. The paper discussesmany issues of modern agriculture indus- trial technology system such as significance, target, function, and effects for our agricultural industry development. K ey w ord s: modern agriculture; industrial technology; construction development 1 , 111 建设国家现代农业产业技术体系具有重要的现 , 实意义 , , , 60, ,


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