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2005 年9 月 外语教学 Sept. 2005 第26 卷 第5 期 For eig n Lang uage Ed ucation Vol. 26 No. 5 ——对两则英语招生广告语篇的分析 裘燕萍, 钟莉莉 ( 绍兴文理学院 外国语学院 浙江 绍兴312000) : 本文分析的是刊登在同一报纸版面的两则相关广告, 出自同一学校, 目的相同, 并各附有插 , 因此, 称之为组 合广告。在美国招生广告中常可以见到这种形式。本文以系统功能语法为理论框架, 对这组美国招生广告进行了语篇 分析, 发现这两则广告在内容的安排、交际角色的运用以及插 的运用等方面存在很大差异, 但两则广告又在内容、形 式和表现手法上彼此呼应, 互为补充, 显得浑然 一体, 这样的组合广告比之单 一广告有明显的优势, 容易取得效果。 : 英语组合广告; 语篇分析; 系统功能语法 : H030: A : 1000-5544( 2005) 05-00 14-05 : , Abstract This paper deals w it h tw o English edu ation advertisements w hi h make up w hat w e all omposite ads for they are made by the same institution, printed on t he same page of a new spaper and meant to a hieve the same goal. This form of ads is very m u h in urrent use in Ameri an media. The analy sis made in the light of fun tional grammar shows that these two ads are very different in ontent and assumption of omm uni ative role, but they are mutually omplementary , and t heir plates and aptions are found t o be onsistent with ea h other , so that t hese t wo ads just form an integral whole t hat makes for greater effe t t han individual ones. Key words : English om posite ads; textual analysis; fun tional grammar 0. w ill Get the Benefit of Professional Experien e, ( - ) , Rheme new the benefit of professional ( ) ; - ( Wentw orth Inst itute , experien e a real w orld approa h , 2002 8 20 B oston M etr o Edu- ) the latest te hnologies and trends( ation Fo us , , , )


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