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第 10 卷第 6期 宜 宾 学 院 学 报 2010年 6月 Vol. 10, No. 6 Journal ofY ibin University June, 2010 何德伟 (, 610041) : 中国与英国高中数学教育在内容课程安排和对学生考核标准上都存在较大的区别. 在内容上, 英国相对中国而言, 内容多, 涉及面广, 应用性强, 但时间节奏快, 形式死板, 内容要求低, 逻辑思维低; 在课程安排上, 中国是分学年安排不同的内容, 而英国在高一上过的内容高二还要再上, 虽然存在差 异, 但绝大多数是相同; 在测评机制上, 英国的考试更像中国的大学机制, 每 一学年都要结业考试, 每次考试成绩都可选作为升学的依据. 从中体现出中 英高中数学教育理念的差异, 中国更注重思维逻辑的训练, 英国更注重形式和应用性. : 中国; 英国; 高中数学; 差异 : G633. 6 : A : 1671- 5365( 2010) 06- 0122- 04 S inoB r itish D iffe rence of Math Educat ion in Sen io r H igh Schoo l HE Dewei (Chengdu ShishiM iddle School, Chengdu 610041, China) A bstract: There are significant differences bewt een them ath education of SinoBritish senior high schools in content, class ar rangem ent and assessment criteria. In term s of content, compared w ith Chinese education, British education has the characteristics of rich content, w ide range and strong application while it is fastpaced w ith inflexible form, lowrequ ired content and less logic thinking. In term s of class arrangement in Ch ina, the content is arranged d ifferently according to the academ ic years, while in B ritain, the sam e content is repeated both in sen ior one and two. Despite of these d ifferences, they are smi ilar in m ost cases. In term s of assessm ent, the exam s in B ritain is more like the system of Ch inese un iversities w ith a final exam every year and the a chievem ent result is a reference for future entrance to high education. Conclusively, the Chinese system paysm ore attention to the logic training, while the British one attachesmore mi portance to the form and application. K ey wo rds: China; B ritain; m ath in sen ior high schoo;l difference , ,. ,


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