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29 2 沈 阳体 育 学 院学 报 V o l. 29 N o. 2 20 10 4 Journal o f Shenyang Spo rt U n iversity A pr. 20 10 娄彦涛, 闫红光, 吴松林 ( , 110102 ) , , 21, ; ; G 86312 A 1004 - 0560 ( 2010) 02- 00 15 - 0 3 Re lationsh ip Betw een Trip le P latform Vacated H eight and Landing Im pact of Ch in ese W om en s Freestyle A erials Team LOU Y antao, Y AN H onggu ang, W U Song lin ( D epartm ent o f H um an Spo rts Science, Shenyang Spo rt U niversity, Shenyang 110 102, L iaon ing, C hina) Abstrac t In o rder to enhance the ac tion o vera ll leve l o f m ov em ent o f Ch inese w om en s freesty le aer ia ls team , the author s o f th is article u se the smi ultaneou s com p arison and theo retica l ana ly sism ethod s to k inem a tics o f f ixedpo in t ana ly sis, so le pressure sho e pad o f dynam ics and m easuring p la tfo rm , and study the re latio n sh ip be wt een Ch inese w om en s freesty le ae rials team tr ip le p la tfo rm vacated he igh t and land ing mi pac t. A mi ing f or the purpo se o f ana lyz ing under the co rrec t o f W om en sm ovem ents techno lo gy, the mi p act to com p le te tr iple p la tfo rm m o vem en t tmi e landing cau se the hum an body to be in jured o r no t, w h ich prov ide s the theo ry suppo rt and the techn ical saf egua rd to deba se the f em a le a th le tes and tra iners p sy cho lo g ical burden fo r 21 W in te r O lym p ic G am e s. K ey word s freesty le ae rials; vaca ted he ig ht; landing mi pac t , , SPSS, , , , FDF DFF


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