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“弛禁论”论文:道光年间“弛禁论”再分析 【中文摘要】近代中国,开始于鸦片泛滥,结束于鸦片泛滥,鸦片问题作为一个严重的社会问题,深深的影响了近代中国的各个方面。道光年间,面对鸦片走私带来的各种危害,清政府的各级士绅提出了诸多解决方案,“弛禁论”就是其中的一种。它以防止白银外流为根本出发点,力图通过“以货易货”的贸易方式扼制白银的外流,力图利用鸦片贸易合法化来增加政府的财政收入,力图通过罂粟国产化抵制外国鸦片的进口,力图通过缓禁的措施最终根治中国的烟毒,这种观点符合了当时中国的历史环境和社会条件,并一度得到了最高统治者的默认。但“弛禁论”本身难以克服的致命缺点以及饮鸩止渴般的措施,并不能为当时的传统士大夫所接受,并随着许乃济的致仕而偃旗息鼓。不过清代后期所实行的鸦片政策,却几乎与“弛禁论”者所提出的观点相契合,这从某种程度上说明了这种观点的时代性和实用性。本文正是通过分析“弛禁论”者所提出的各种观点,揭示其错误的观点,总结其在当时所起到的作用,以便我们更为客观的研究“弛禁论”这一观点。本文主要分以下几个部分对“弛禁论”做一相关的论述。引言部分主要概括了本文的研究内容和研究现状,并对相关文献做了一个研究综述。第一部分论述了”弛禁论”产生的社会背景及其代表人物。第二部分分析了“弛禁论”的主要观点。第三部分剖析了“弛禁论”的错误思想。第四部分对“弛禁论”值得肯定的观点进行了分析。第五部分是结论,主要分析“弛禁论”的根本和他们与鸦片商之间的关系,并对道光皇帝罢免许乃济进行了分析。 【英文摘要】In times of modern China before 1949, the opium problems, in some respects, with which it began and followed to the end, had deep and wide impacts as a serious social problem. In Daoguang period of Qing Dynasty, the officials of all levels presented many solutions in the face of hazards caused by smuggling of opium,搕heory of slacken-the-banning攚as one of them. such stand held the prevention of the silver抯 outflow as the primary aim, attempted to curb the outflow of silver through the barter way in trade, to increase government抯 revenue with the legalization of the opium trade, to resist the foreign imports by the localization of the poppy, to cure ultimately the opium problem of China by the way of easing the prohibition. This view was in accordance with the social situation at that time, and was once accepted by the ruler. However, such view can not be accepted by the conservative scholar-officials as its formidable fatal defects and its solutions which really means to drink poison to quench thirst, and finally got its clamoring down with the retirement of Xu Naiji.However, the opium policy implemented by the government in the latter time of Qing Dynasty almost fitted the view of搕heory of slacken-the-banning攕tanded forward, which to some extent implied such view抯 practicality and relevance of the time. The aim of this art


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