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济南大学泉城学院 毕 业 设 计 题 目 的冲压工艺及模具设计 专 业班 级学 生学 号指导教师 二〇一 一 年 月 日 摘 要 本次毕业设计的任务是设计鞍座挂钩支架的冲压工艺及模具设计。 首先对给定的鞍座挂钩支架进行了冲压工艺性分析,明确了冲压该零件所需的基本工序。针对支架的结构特点,分析了成形过程的两种不同冲压工艺方案,经过综合分析、比较,确定了该零件的最佳冲压方案,确定了工序数目与顺序。进行了工艺参数、凸凹模刃口尺寸、凹模厚度、外形等模具主要结构的计算,根据所得数据确定了模架及其它零件。设计出落料模、冲孔模和弯曲模的三套工序的一整套冲压模具,并给出了模具的结构图以及分析了模具结构的特点。 该模具结构及工艺方案合理、正确,模具设计简单、使用可靠、维修性好;弯曲模一次定位冲程,生产效率高、工件精度高该模具已在生产单位试用,使用维护方便,安全可靠,大大减轻了工人的劳动强度,使用效果良好,经济效益明显,可推广使用且能实现模具制造的基本要求。 关键词:鞍座挂钩支架;冲压工艺;模具设计;凸模;凹模 ABSTRACT The graduation project is to design the task of linking the saddle bracket and die stamping process design. First, the given saddle are linked to support analysis of stamping process, and requires to clear the the basic process of the parts stamping. Support for the structural characteristic of the forming process of the stamping process in two different programs, a comprehensive analysis, comparison, and determine the best stamping of the part program, to determine the number and order process. The process parameters, cutting edge punch and die size, die thickness and shape of the calculation of the main structure, such as mold, according to the data identified the mold, and other parts. Design Chula material mold, punching die and bending die stamping die set of three processes, and gives the mold structure and the characteristics of the mold structure. The mold structure and process scheme is reasonable, correct, mold design simple, reliable, maintenance is good; bending die a positioning stroke, high efficiency, high precision parts production unit in the mold trial, convenient maintenance, safe and reliable, greatly Reduce the labor intensity, with favorable results obvious economic benefits, can promote the use of mold and can achieve the basic requirements. Key words: saddle hook bracket; stamping process; mold design; punch; die 目 录 摘要…………..…………………………………………..…….….…………………….. .I ABSTRACT……………………………..…………….……………………..…………….II 1 前言……….………………………………….………….….……………………


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