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机电制造业逆向物流的应用研究 内 容 摘 要 随着经济的发展,人类社会对自然资源的需求量与日俱增,但是地球上的自然资源,特别是不可再生资源的可开采量却增加缓慢,而且经过一百多年的开采,许多重要的自然资源已经面临着枯竭的危机。被开采利用的自然资源在进入人类社会之后,最终以废弃物和垃圾的形式停滞下来,人类社会因而形成了一种“资源-产品-废弃物”的单向经济模式。废弃物的总量随着人类社会生产消费量的增长而激增,它不但占用了大量的土地,而且由于其中一些含有有毒有害物质,还会对环境和人类健康造成巨大的威胁。 国内外理论界正在对逆向物流进行不断地探索研究,也有不少的成功案例。机电制造业同样也存在这样的问题,机电废旧品给我们的资源造成了浪费,给环境造成了严重影响,因此实行逆向物流已经是必然趋势。 本文首先从逆向物流的背景和现实意义出发,对国内外的研究状况,相关的理论知识进行概述,详细介绍了逆向物流的发展和研究状况,其次从国内外逆向物流实施发展的情况进行分析对比,接着从机电制造业的机电废弃品的特点、现状、驱动及影响因素、模式的相关内容进行分析研究,对我国机电制造业的逆向物流实施给出一些建议和实行的措施。 关键词:逆向物流、废旧机电产品、可持续发展、回收利用 MECHANICAL AND ELECTRICAL INDUSTRY IN THE APPLICATION OF REVERSE LOGISTICS ABSTRACT Along with economic development,human community to the growing demand for natural resources,but the planets natural resources, especially non-renewable resources of exploitation has increased slowly, but after 100 years of exploitation,Many important natural resources has been facing depletion crisis.By the exploitation of natural resources into human society,the ultimate waste and garbage in the form of stagnation, human society creating a resources-products-waste is the single economic model. With total waste of human society,production and consumption and the growth surge,it will not only take up a lot of land, and because some of them contain poisonous substances,but also the environment and human health caused enormous threat. Theoretical circles at home and abroad to reverse logistics is ongoing research to explore,there are a number of success stories. Machinery and electronics industry also exists the problem of Waste Electrical and Mechanical products to our resources a waste,to the serious environmental impact,implement reverse logistics is an inevitable trend. This article first reverse logistics background and practical significance,the study of the situation at home and abroad,Related theoretical knowledge outlined in detail on the reverse logis


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