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2010 4 26 2 217 3 1 2 1* 1 尹伟 邓双 叶晓茜 边专 ( 1. 武汉大学口腔医学院湖北省口腔基础医学重点实验室- 省部共建国 重点实验室培育基地 湖北武汉 430079; 2. 江西省九江市德安县人民医院口腔科) [ ] : ( H ED) : , 3 H ED : X , , , , : H ED , , [ ] [ ] R394. 8 [ ] A [ ] 1671 7651( 2010) 02 0217 03 Analysis of Genetic and Clinical Features in Three Chinese Pedigrees with Hypohidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia. YIN Wei, DEN G Shuang, YE X iao- qian, et al. State Key Laboratory Breeding Base of ral Basic Science, H osp i- tal and School of Stomatology, Wuhan University , Wuhan 430079 [A stract] O jective: T o anal ze genetic and clinical features of three Chinese pedigrees w ith h pohidrotic ecto- dermal d splasia. Methods: Three pedigrees collected b the identified probands w ere investigated through clinical ex amination and pedigree anal sis. Results: Of the three families recruited, t wo were transmitt ed in X- linked re- cessive manner , the inheritance mode of the remaining one w as uncertain. H ED males pat ients had characterist ic feat ures, w hile obligated carriers had mild t o moderate exhibition. Some even had no clinical s mpt om. The expres- sivit is variable as the differences among pedigrees w ere ver evident. Conclusion: HED w ith high penet rance and variable expressivit was highl heterogeneous. [ Key words] H poplastic ectodermal d splasia ( HED) Genealogical investigation Phenot pe Genetic hetero- geneit ( ectodermal d splasias, EDs) X , 200 , , , 7/ 10000[ 1] , , ( HED) 3 , , HED 1 , , 1. 1 [ 2~ 4] / X , HED ,


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