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仁爱版八年级英语上册期中考试试题 A listening Test Part (20分) 一、听句子, 选择与其相对应的图片。(5分) 二.听对话,选出正确答案。(5分) 6.A.Because he can’t find his key. B.Because he want to find his watch. C.Because it is still early nOW. 7.A.He stays at home. B.He is in the hospital. C.He is on the way to hospital. 8.A.The man’s new sweater. B.The woman’s new sweater. C.The new sweater in the shop. 9.A.Yes.she will. B.NO,she won’t. C.We don’t know. 10.A.At 10:00. B.At 11:00. C.At 11:30. 三.听短文。填出所缺单词。(10分) E—mail is a way of sending messages to other people.It is a fast and ___11___ way to keep intouch with friends and family.It’s much ___12___ than sending a letter.People who use e—mail should have an e—mail address.This address must have___13____ and dots and the symbol“@”meaning ___14____.This is what an address looks like.People Can send the message ___15___ the Internet.It is quick,easy and fun. B Written Test part (130分) 四、根据首写字母 中文解释或中文提示完成单词拼写(20分) 16 I saw you play basketball______ ( 在...期间 )the holiday 17 Were ________( 计划 )to have a skating club 18 Swimming helps keep your __________( 心脏 )and lungs healthy 19 You missed a goal . _______( 为...感到羞耻)on you 20 I love__________( 旅游 ) very much 21 I asked a running _____( 教练 ) to make a plan for me 22 Its our duty to improve our _______( 环境 ) 23 Whats wrong with you ? I have a _______( 胃痛 ) 24 He took part in the _______( 战斗 )againt SARS 25 The children may get the medicine and eat it by _____( 错误 ) 26 p________ a penson who is ill in hospital 27 d________ a penson whose job is to mend or take out the bad teeth 28 h________ not like ;dislike 29 t________ needing to have a good rest 30 r________get to ;arive in 五、完形填空(30分) 31 I often saw him _____english every morning A. reading B. reads C. to read D. read 32. Must I write down all the new words now ? No, you ___


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