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5 2006 10 23 附论! 共和行政∀的若干问题 晁 福 林 ( , 100875) [ ] ; ; [ ] 23 , , ! ∀ ( ) , ! ∀, ! ∀ ! ∀ , ! ∀ , , , , , , , , , , , [ ] K224 . 06; K877 . 5 [ ] A [ ] 058302 14( 2006) Onthe Comments of Sang RouintheBook of SongsViewed from the BambooSlips of Of Poetry in Shanghai useum CH A O Fulin ( H ist or y D ep ar tment , B eij ing N or mal Univ er s i ty , Beij i ng 100875, Chi na) Keywords:Co mmenta ies on T he Bo ok of P oet y; Confucianism; Republican Administ at ion Abstract:T he e a e eco dings abo ut tw o so ng s o n the 23 d bambo o sc ipts of Of P oet y st o ed in Shang hai M useum, the latte o ne is j ust about Sang Ro u in Da Y a poet y. Cont asted w ith Rui Liangfu in Y i Zho u Shu, we can see that the senio angking officials# po litical attitude had taken distinct chang es a ound ! Republican A dminist ation∀ , namely, f om suppo ting t he Son of H eav en to flying upon him, and upho lding Duke Go ng . T his should be the key easo n of the fact that K ing Li fled to Zhi and Duke Gong came into powe . F om the bambo o sc ipts of Of P oet y, w e know that al though Confucius do es not ag ee to Rui L iangfu# s att itude, he giv es p aises to Rui L iangfu because Rui can speak out f om a sense of justice. Confucius often finds easo nable facto and affi ms it f om the issue that he does no t app o val. T o say affi matio n f o m negation, this is just Co nfucius# dialectic cognit ion t ow a ds eve ything, and it is w o t hy of conside ation in depth. ,25 25


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