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分子诊断与治疗杂志 2011 年 9 月 第 3 卷 第 5 期 J Mol Diagn Ther, September 2011, Vol. 3 No. 5 289 · · •述 评• 诱导多潜能性干细胞的研究现状与临床应用前景 吴曌婷 陈凌懿★ [ 摘 要 ] 胚胎干细胞可作为细胞替代治疗 中很好 的供体细胞来源。 但 由于伦理学 的原 因,限制 了 胚胎干细胞在细胞替代治疗 中的应用前景 ,而诱导多潜能性干细胞 (induced pluripotent stem cell ,iPS 细胞 ) 的出现则提供 了一种替代胚胎干细胞 的多潜能性细胞 。 因为 iPS 细胞 的建立不需要卵细胞 ,也不破坏发 育 中的胚胎 ,所 以 iPS 细胞不涉及伦理学问题 。 而且 iPS 细胞 的建立相对简单 ,重复性好 。 因此 ,iPS 细 胞在细胞替代治疗和再生医学 中有着广泛 的应用前景 。 本文将 回顾 iPS 细胞技术发展 的历史 ,介绍现有 的建立 iPS 细胞 的不 同方法和评估 iPS 细胞质量 的手段 ,展望 iPS 细胞在细胞替代治疗上有待解决 的问题 和应用前景 。 [ 关键词 ] 诱导多潜能性干细胞 ;重编程 ;细胞替代治疗 Current progress of induced pluripotent stem cell and its clinical application potential WU Zhaoting, CHEN Lingyi ★ (Ministry of Education Key Laboratory of Bioactive Materials, College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianj in 300071, China) [ABSTRACT] Embryonic stem cells are promising resources of donor cells for cell replacement therapy. However, due to ethical issues, the application potential of embryonic stem cells is restricted. Induced pluripotent stem cells(iPS) provide us an alternative type of pluripotent stem cell. Neither oocyte nor embryo destruction is involved in the derivation of iPS cells which circumvent ethical issues. In addition, the procedure of iPS cell production is relatively simple and robust. Hence, iPS cells have great application potential in cell replacement therapy and regenerative medicine. The history of iPS cell technology, different methods to derive iPS cells and the evaluation system to control the quality of iPS cells were commented. The challenges and the application potential of iPS cells in cell replacement therapy were evaluated. [KEY WORDS] Induced pluripotent stem cell; Reprogramming; Cell replacement therapy 胚胎干细胞(embryon


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