Module 6 An invitation(邀请) to the cinema课件.ppt

Module 6 An invitation(邀请) to the cinema课件.ppt

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曼彻斯特联队是英国一个闻名世界的足球俱乐部,于1878年成立,在英国足球超级联赛和欧洲足球锦标赛中经常取得辉煌的成绩。 1. Would you like to go to a football match on Sunday? 你想在星期天去看足球比赛吗? That’s a great idea! 表示时间的介词不尽相同: 当表示在上午/下午/晚上时,用in, in the morning;当表示具体在某天或某天的上午、下午或晚上时用on, on Monday. 2.句型:would like to do sth愿意做某事 表示邀请别人时,可以说:would you like to …? (1)如果是同意,可以说:That’s a good/great idea. 也可以说:I’d like to.或者I’d love to.(我很愿意去)。’d 是would 的缩写。 (2)如果不同意,先sorry,再说明原因。如:Sorry,I’m afraid not.(对不起,我恐怕不行。) 3. When is it?什么时候 It is in the morning/in the afternoon/on Sunday… Where 哪里? What 什么?How old ? 问年纪 How many?问多少? 4. Let’s go in the evening. 让我们晚上去吧! 表示邀请时有两个句型: Would you like to +动词原形…? Let’s +动词原形…. Activity 6. Listen and check. 1. Key Words: Page 130 2.Language Points: would like to do sth. in, on 的区别 Let’s +动词原形. * * Module 6 An invitation(邀请) to the cinema 马山县里当初中 罗绚以 What day is it today?(今天星期几?) It’s Monday. How many days are there in a week(一个星期内) ? There are seven. What are they? They’re Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday.   day:日子   today:今天 注意:The first day of the week is Sunday. Ask and answer(问和答) 第一天 The last day of the week is Saturday. 最后一天 Tuesday Monday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday 一星期 a week When is it? It’s Sunday. when “什么时候” 你知道在星期天怎么表达吗? on Sunday when “什么时候”是个疑问词,除了when以外,我们还学了哪些疑问词,你知道吗? 1.what“什么”   What’s this? 2.where“在哪里”  Where are you?“怎样” How do you spell it? 4.who“谁”  Who is she? 5.whose“谁的” Whose book is it? 6.which“哪个/些” Which is right? 其他复合疑问词: how many(多少), how old(几岁), what colour(什么颜色)等 特殊疑问句 cinema film film star stadium team football match 1 在早上 2 在下午 3 在晚上 在星期一早上 on Monday morning 1 星期日 2 星期一 3 星期二 4 星期三 5 星期四 6 星期五 7 星期六 The first day of a week is Sunday. 在星期一 on Monday A: Would you like to …? go to stadium go to a football match B:That’s a great idea! 口语训练:Pair work play basketball go swimming Betty says,


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