Module7 Unit2Words amp; Phrases课件.ppt

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Module7 Unit2 Words Phrases By Mr.Du 2007.3.21 11.note 12.lung 13.rapidly 14.wonder 15.enquiry 16.eyesight 18.pulse 19.function 20.swollen open to 12.a handful of 13.take down/put down/write down 14.millions of 15.secondary school 16.block sth. from… 17.medical history 18.look into 19.protect one’s eyesight 20.look out for Language points; recommend vt. ①建议;②推荐,介绍 【用法】1. 作“建议”时,后接动名词、名词、从句或复合结构。[注意] 接that从句时用虚拟语气 (should)do。 He recommended reading the book Gone With the Wind before seeing the film. 他建议先看《飘》这本书,然后再看电影。 The doctor recommended a good rest. She took his advice. 医生建议好好休息,她听取了他的建议。 In her e-mail, my best friend recommended that I (should) pay more attention to my health. 我最好的朋友在她的邮件里劝我多注意身体。 I recommend you to think very carefully before you make nay decision. 我建议你仔细考虑之后再做决定。 2. 作“推荐,介绍”讲时,一般直接加名词作宾语。 I asked Tom to recommend a good hotel because my classmates planned to take a trip to his city. 我让汤姆推荐个好旅馆,因为我们班同学准备到他所在的城市旅行。 【常见搭配】recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物 I recommend this book to anyone with an interest in chemistry. 我把这本书推荐给任何一个对化学感兴趣的人。 recommend + n/pro/v-ing/O-clause I recommend their pizza. He recommended buying an English-English dictionary. My English teacher often recommends that we (should) read as many English short stories as possible. Translation: I. 单项选择: 1. — Have you ________ any information? — No, I’m going to call at the business department. A. picked up B. picked out C. pick on D. pick through 2. A study ________ in the USA in 1977 showed that the chemical ASA in aspirin could prevent a stroke. A. carrying out B. carried out C. working out D. worked out 3.Penicillin was then produced ________ in order to meet the demands of the armies. A. in large amounts B. in large plenty C. in large quantities D. in large numbers 4.With no one to ________ in such a dangerous situation, the lady felt very helpless. A.turn over B.turn off C.turn on D.turn to 5.Dont forget to ________ the equipmen


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