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29 2 No. 2 Vol. 29 2 0 0 7 6 J ournal of Earth Sciences and Envir onment Jun. 2 0 0 7 1 2 3 3 1 1 于福生 , 吉珍娃 , 杨 雪 , 宇振全, 马保军, 张良杰 1. , 102249; 2. 115 , 137400; 3. , 1240 10) : , 3 , , , , , , , , : ; ; ; ; : P5421 2 : A : 1672- 6561 2007) 02- 0149-05 Cenozoic Fault Feature and Trap Styles of Northern Area in West Depression of Liaohe Basin 1 2 3 3 1 1 Y U F u- sheng , JI Zhen-w a , Y A N G X ue , Y U Zhen- quan , MA Bao-jun , ZH A N G L iang-jie ( 1. K ey L aborator y f or H y drocarbo n A ccumulati on Mechanis m of M inist ry of Educati on, Chi na Univer si ty of Pet rol eum, Bei i ng 102249, Chi na; 2. N o. 115 Geol og i cal Br igade of I nner M ong oli a A ut onomous Re g io n, Ul anhot 137400, I nner M ongol ia , China; 3. Research I ns ti tut e of Exp l orati on and D evel op ment , L i aohe Petr oleum Exp lorat ion B ureau , P an i n 1240 10, L iaoning, Chi na) Abstract: Ceno zo ic ev olut ion of nor thern area in w est depr ession o f Liaohe Basin can be divided into initia l rifting stag e, ex tensional f ault ing stage and compressional depressing stage. Faults w ith ex tensio nal str ucture, w rench st ructur e and inversio n str uctur e can be div ided into ex tensional f ault system s during the Shahejie phase o f Early Eo gene, w rench f ault system s dur ing the Do ng ying phase of Late Eog ene and inver si


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