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第 1 3 卷 第 1 2 期 辽宁中医药大学学报 Vol. 13 No. 12 2011 年 12 月 JOURNAL OF LIAONING UNIVERSITY OF TCM Dec . ,2011 国内轻微肝性脑病研究进展 李铁强,邓碧珠,陈纪东 (桂林市中医院,广西 桂林 541002 ) 摘 要 :目的 :通过总结分析国内有关轻微肝性脑病(minimal hepatic encephalopathy,MHE)的文献,阐明目前 国内MHE的研究现状。方法 :选取36篇近10年来国内公开发表的有关MHE发病机理、诊断、防治的文献进行综 合阅读及评述。结果 :文献报道显示,国内众多学者对MHE的研究取得了一定的进展,但也存在一些问题。结论 : MHE的定义尚未完全统一,诊断的金标准尚未完全获得统一认识,无法确定统一的诊断标准 ;临床研究缺乏大样本 的随机对照研究,数据缺乏说服力,可重复性差。这些问题需要我们在今后的研究中加以关注和解决。 关键词 :轻微肝性脑病 ;机理 ;诊断 ;治疗 ( ) 中图分类号 :R747.9 文献标识码 :A 文章编号 :1673-842X 2011 12- 0065- 03 Domestic Research Progress of Minimal Hepatic Encephalopathy LI Tie-qiang,DENG Bi-zhu,CHEN Ji-dong (Guilin Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Guilin 541002,Guangxi, China) Objective :Through analysis of the relevant domestic minimal hepatic encephalopathy ( minimal Abstract : hepatic encephalopathy, MHE ) literature, to clarify the current research status of domestic MHE. Method :36 of selection of recent ten years in China the related published MHE pathogenesis, diagnosis, prevention and treatment of comprehensive reading and comment. Results :Reported in the literature shows, domestic scholars research on MHE has made some progress, but there are some problems. Conclusion :MHE definition is not completely uniform, the diagnostic gold standard is not completely unified understanding, cannot determine the uniform diagnostic criteria; lack of clinical research of large sample randomized controlle


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