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第26 卷第4 期 计算机应用 Voi. 26 No. 4 2006 年4 月 Computer Appiications Apr. 2006 文章编号:1001 - 9081(2006 )04 - 0803 - 03 基于快速收敛遗传算法的S 盒的优化算法 1,2 1 殷新春 ,杨 洁 (1. 扬州大学 计算机科学与工程系,江苏 扬州225009 ; 2 . 南京大学 计算机软件新技术国家重点实验室,江苏 南京210093 ) ( yzgg_100@ 163. com) 摘 要:采用遗传算法来对S 盒进行优化,并引入了启发式变异策略。实验表明,这种变异规则 能够显著地提高算法的搜索效率,可以加快算法的收敛速度。此外,采用最佳个体保存法的选择策略 可以减少额外的计算量。基于该方法,给出了6 X 6 的S 盒优化的完整程序描述,并获得了一批高非 线性度和低差分均匀度的S 盒。 关键词:S 盒;非线性度;差分均匀度;遗传算法 中图分类号: TP309 . 7 文献标识码:A Optimum algorithm of S-boxes based on fast convergence speed genetic algorithm YIN Xin-chun1, 2 , YANG Jie1 (1. Dep artment of Comp uter Science and Engineering, Yangzhou Uniuersity, Yangzhou Jiangsu 225009, China ; 2. State Key Laboratory f or Nouel Sof tware Technology, Nanj ing Uniuersity, Nanj ing Jiangsu 210093, China ) Abstract: The optimization of S-boxes based on genetic aigorithm was discussed, and the heuristic mutation strategy was used in this aigorithm. Resuits of the experiments indicate that the mutation operation has high searching efficiency and fast convergence speed. Meanwhiie, the seiection strategy of preserving the best individuais can reduce the caicuiation time greatiy . Based on the method, an effective genetic aigorithm for 6 X 6 S-boxes was provided and a number of S-boxes with high noniinearity and iow difference uniformity were obtained. Key words: S-boxesg noniinearityg difference uniformityg


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